Confused about... Complete Mystery

Next question... When we were breeding leos i didn't have a job. So i was able to pull the babies out shortly after they hatched... but now I work 13 hrs on Monday and Thursday and 8hrs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. How long can a baby safely stay in the incubator?

Depending on what it is. Probably safe to say, up to two days. Will need water before food.
Yes that's they mean.

My whole thought while reading this thread was "how could the person who originally had the egg not know what it was?


Unfortunately, recent law changes in the west, pacific NW and Colorado have had devastating influences on people's memory. Apparently. :eek: So happy I live on the east coast. :)
Finally, have an answer! It's a wookalar. :D (If you don't know what one is, look it up. Suggest you use the video version of private eyes, NOT an image. 'Tis the season!)

Well, what I'm thinking is the so called warehouse got clutches mixed and say it was a *panther chameleon egg* but really not know what it is.

Although chameleons are the only one i know that has long incubation period. Since its already been 5 months and not knowing when it was laid makes it even more mysterious.
But theres something in there. ..

Patience I know...


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Although chameleons are the only one i know that has long incubation period. Since its already been 5 months and not knowing when it was laid makes it even more mysterious.

Temps have everything to do with hatch times. @65-72* your more than likely looking at +10 months with "most" lizard species.
Come to think of it, I had a female veil lay oblong eggs couple years ago. Just a couple out of many. They were her first and infertile. Probably strained too much laying, due to inexperience.
Very active whatever it is. .. seems to have got bigger and shell isnt squashy the last 2 days after i raised temps. From leos hatching experience the shell hardened shortly before hatching.
Nothing new for this little egg... seems to have gotten fuller and has slightly hardened . I mist once a day and temps are setting at 79 degrees . But I'll keep everyone posted .
Size comparison to a quarter


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Teradacytl is my guess. Spell check tells me I spelled that incorrectly, but doesn't have a hint, so I just have to hope you all know what I'm trying to spell :eek:
Pterodactyl! I hate words like that. I had to memorize that spelling for a test lol. But I still go for landshark
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