Confused on how much to feed my young Chameleon


New Member
I have my veiled Chameleon, a girl named Savannah, for a little over a week now. She is young purchased from pet store. I was reading on here that I should offer her crickets like 5 or more but when I purchased her they said to feed her one or two crickets daily. How do I know if she is getting enough to eat? I am new to chameleons and read how they can stress or may be hard to care for so I don't want her to get sick or die because she wasn't getting enough food. Oh yes, I followed instructions for hand feeding her and she will step up on my finger and eat the cricket from my hand but boy when I put her back near her cage she hurries into the leaves. Is this okay? Thanks for the help. I hope to get some pictures of her soon.
I feed my young veileds as much as they want to eat, and then limit them a bit when they are done growing.

1 or 2 crickets per day will not be nearly enough. Depending on the size of the veiled and how fast it is growing and how large the insects are- you can think about 10x the number the pet store told you is about right per day when she is young and growing. If she is adult sized, you can offer about 5 per day - something around there give or take depending on her weight and whether you are offering some leafy greens and how many of those she eats.

I think you can safely assume that whoever talked to you about her at the pet store did not know what they were talking about- you should probably double check everything else they told you as well.
Feed her as much as she will eat while she is young & still growing. If you find uneaten insects in the enclosure the next day. Remove them & miss a feed for a day.
Also try to vary her diet, otherwise she will likely become bored with the same prey all the time.
thank you for the input, I just fed her like 6 crickets and she ate them right away. She has an umbrella plant in the enclosure and a pothos. I think she is eating some of the leaves off of them. I had only fake plants in there until I saw her trying to eat them so went right out to get some live plants for her after checking on here about the safe ones for her enclosure. As for a varied diet, what do you recommend? I am in the process of ordering more crickets for her and figured maybe I can get some other items also.
I feed them as much as they will eat in five minutes and then leave a couple of crickets for a snack later.
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