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My female Sambava has gone off her rocker! For the first time she has decided that she dosen't need to bury her eggs and has just decided that she will lay them in a shallow indintation at the top of her sandbox. What does this mean?? Does anybody know? Is it her inate way of telling me they are no good, that would suck, or is she just being a little crazy this go around? I'm going to try to incubate them anyway but I just wanted to get other's thoughts about this to see if anybody else had this happen to them before.

I've seen this happen with an infertile clutch before. It was almost as if she knew the eggs were infertile, so she didn't bother going to the effort of burying them properly.

How sure are you that she mated successfully?

But also, and more importantly, when my female just dropped eggs like that, she didn't get all of them out. I had to take her to the vet for a shot of oxytocin to get the extra eggs out and prevent egg-binding. Just keep an eye on your girl and make sure she's recovering from the laying properly.
How unfortunate for the clutch, I was thinking that twelve eggs was a bit on the lean side. I mean she's never laid more than 25 but she's never laid less than 20 before either though so hrmmm.... and no, this time around I didn't actually witness the deed. While she did spend several "mating honeymoons" with her boyfriend" I didn't catch them in the act this time like I had before. In point of fact she did give him a nasty bite to the face this time and she'd never done that before. I guess this just wasn't her year. I still throw the eggs in the incubator just to make sure but, I'll heed your advice and get her into the vet on Monday for that oxytocin injection so I'll have my bases covered. Thanks for the advice,
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