Consumption Amount of Crickets! :)


New Member

I just got my 4 month old chameleon yesterday, and I have a few questions.
1) I put about 10 crickets in the cage, but he and I both can only find about 2. So I feed him with tongs the rest. Today I fed him 5 small crickets. So, the question is, is that enough consumption of crickets for a chameleon his age?

2) What time should I be shutting off both my daytime bulb and UVB bulb at night, and how long should I have them on for? I thinking about leaving them each on, starting each at 9am, and shutting them off at 10pm. Is that too long? Too short?

Thank you for any help!
Cosmo + Jake
Welcome to the forums. What kind of chameleon do you have? Five crickets is not enough for a veiled or Panther. They should be eating 12 to 15 a day. I recommend keeping the lights with the outside light. On at sun up and off at sunset. They do not need any kind of light at night. If you have a veiled or Panther you might find my blog for new keepers helpful.
Welcome to the forums. What kind of chameleon do you have? Five crickets is not enough for a veiled or Panther. They should be eating 12 to 15 a day. I recommend keeping the lights with the outside light. On at sun up and off at sunset. They do not need any kind of light at night. If you have a veiled or Panther you might find my blog for new keepers helpful.


Thank you for your quick response! Yes, I forgot to mention he is a veiled chameleon. I wanted something easier to take care of since this is my first chameleon.
I will definitely give your blob a look at.
So, you think 12-15? Even while he's young?
How do I make sure he eats that many?

Currently what I am doing is feeding him with tongs, or putting on the mesh where he likes to sit, so that he can get them himself.
Is there a schedule I should follow with feeding?
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