Couldn’t resist a new Carpet!

Hi all!
Been working on a smaller Bioactive enclosure and it’s been just about complete for 2 weeks cycling. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to grab a new baby while she was available to reside in the new home built at Granny’s 😍 she doesn’t have a name yet but meet our new princess of the house!!! I’m so excited to begin the carpet chameleon journey and just as excited to share the journey with everyone here!
Welcome home and to the forum little one!
OMG she is BEAUTIFUL! congrats on your new girl!
Little Zelda hiding from the world! 😍


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Hi all!
Been working on a smaller Bioactive enclosure and it’s been just about complete for 2 weeks cycling. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to grab a new baby while she was available to reside in the new home built at Granny’s 😍 she doesn’t have a name yet but meet our new princess of the house!!! I’m so excited to begin the carpet chameleon journey and just as excited to share the journey with everyone here!
Welcome home and to the forum little one!
Oh my gosh congratulations!!! She’s so adorable and Zelda is a great name!
Thanks everyone!! I have to admit it’s a bit different having a little girly around. 🥰
she’s so tiny and opposite of my big boys.
Not social, completely scared of me but cute as a button! Looking forward to the journey she takes me on.
And I learned I can do a bioactive bottom!!! Woot woot! 😃
Thanks everyone!! I have to admit it’s a bit different having a little girly around. 🥰
she’s so tiny and opposite of my big boys.
Not social, completely scared of me but cute as a button! Looking forward to the journey she takes me on.
And I learned I can do a bioactive bottom!!! Woot woot! 😃
Yay!!!!! I can’t wait to watch your journey with her 🥺🥺🥺😍😍😍
Not going to lie your bioactive set up looks really good!
Thanks so much!! Because it was smaller and I had a carpet set in my brain, I followed Frank Payne article saying to use 50/50 peat moss and sand with a drainage layer. I have black garden sheet between them to separate and some leaf litter. I put in some isopods in, have to get some spring tails. I have an umbrella, fern, croton, Brazilian pothos and a polka dot plant. They need to grow in a bit but it was only cycled a few weeks when she became available and I couldn’t wait. 🥰Want to put in a few more plants but not until she’s fully settled. I am also going to get one of those wrap around backrounds to give her more seclusion because 2 sides are clear. It was a lot of fun putting it together and watching it thrive. I’m pretty happy with it.
Thanks so much!! Because it was smaller and I had a carpet set in my brain, I followed Frank Payne article saying to use 50/50 peat moss and sand with a drainage layer. I have black garden sheet between them to separate and some leaf litter. I put in some isopods in, have to get some spring tails. I have an umbrella, fern, croton, Brazilian pothos and a polka dot plant. They need to grow in a bit but it was only cycled a few weeks when she became available and I couldn’t wait. 🥰Want to put in a few more plants but not until she’s fully settled. I am also going to get one of those wrap around backrounds to give her more seclusion because 2 sides are clear. It was a lot of fun putting it together and watching it thrive. I’m pretty happy with it.
Oh man that sounds like a lot of fun. I loved putting together my bioactive for my crested gecko. Please share what her enclosure looks like when you are done with all th upgrades :)
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