Couple of feeder questions....


New Member
When superworms turn into beetles, can/will chameleons eat those? Same for mealworm beetles? I don't feed my chams meal worms, but the birds outside like them. If chams can eat them, what are their nutritional value pecentages?

Does anyone know if there is any difference between hornworm and silkworm chow?
This is a good question really, i can't really answer it perfectly; but i have fed one or two beetles to my cham, and she didn't mind. (although I am pretty sure my cham will eat anything hehe) :D
I can't answer your question in regards to the beetles as I do not offer either supers or meals to my chams.

With the chow, my supplier has different for each worm. Silk chow is mulberry (green) and the horn chow (white) is modified diet as normally they would live on either tomato or tobacco plants. The horns will eat the silk chow but I find they do not live long offering this food.
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I don't know the answers to your other questions but silkworm and hornworm chow is the same.

I can't answer your question in regards to the beetles as I do not offer either supers or meals to my chams.

With the chow, my supplier has different for each worm. Silk chow is mulberry (green) and the horn chow (white) is modified diet as normally they would live on either tomato or tobacco plants. The horns will eat the silk chow but I find they do not live long offering this food.

Conflicting information? No consensus on this? Thank you for the replies.

Darkling beetles can be fed to chams:,

This site was interesting:

As far as nutritional values here's a thread:

Please do a search before posing questions as I found all of these within just a few minutes.

#1 I did a search, not for darkling or meal worm beetles, I did a search for for superworm beetles, as those were the ones my question really pertained to.

#2 I didn't see info on the beetles nutritional values on any of those pages. So thanks for replying in a condecesing way, but neither of my questions was answered with that method, except meal worm beetles which I'd prefer to avoid entirely anyway. So you get a post.
Darkling beetles are the beetles you are referring to. Darkling beetles are a whole family of beetles that also include mealworm beetles.

Sorry about the nutrition info, forgot you meant the beetles not the worms. I also couldn't find any nutional value on darkling beetles anywhere, though the consensus online seems to be that they aren't very nutritious.
Darkling beetles are the beetles you are referring to. Darkling beetles are a whole family of beetles that also include mealworm beetles.

Sorry about the nutrition info, forgot you meant the beetles not the worms. I also couldn't find any nutional value on darkling beetles anywhere, though the consensus online seems to be that they aren't very nutritious.

Thank you for the reply, this one seemed to be a much more cordial tone. I thought darkling beetles were mealworm beetles not superworm beetles also. I know the 2 worms are a different species, so wouldn't the 2 beetles be different species as well? If that's not the case, then all but nutrition information and whether or not silkworm and hornworm chow are the same, are the only questions left unanswered. I've had conflicting answers on the chow so far.
The beetles are different species though they're both darkling beetles. I haven't been able to find any information on them around.

I think the chows are different, though you may get them to eat and survive off of one for a little while. I would stick to separate chows.
Thank you for the reply, this one seemed to be a much more cordial tone. I thought darkling beetles were mealworm beetles not superworm beetles also. I know the 2 worms are a different species, so wouldn't the 2 beetles be different species as well? If that's not the case, then all but nutrition information and whether or not silkworm and hornworm chow are the same, are the only questions left unanswered. I've had conflicting answers on the chow so far.

technically, they are different.

I am not sure if silkies will eat hornworm chow, but I do know that hornworms will eat silkie chow.
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