Crack, can't find it?

i agree, support Steve. he's an asset to our community. He seems to usually have some ready or is willing to whip up a batch quickly. he does all the work, it's cheap... it smells delicious (i know someone else has been tempted to taste...).... and i doubt he's getting rich off of it :)
I was basically looking for a recipe to cricket food and/or crack. Like the stores but better ingredients.

I contacted Steve but can I still get an idea for a recipe of cricket food? I am kind of willing to make a bunch since I run out alot.
o.k. take fruits and vegies and dehydrate them mix alot of varietys of both, then blend them to fine consistancey. Mix in some bee pollen and 2 multi vitamins that humans take. You can also ad small amount of hollistic dog food as a filler. There is other herbs like dandilion, basil, kelp, rosemary(this makes it smell good). Also put a fish oil tablet in it. Bada Bing Bada Bam. homemade Cricket chow. This should help, i cant tell you exact measurments but you can figure it out to custom your own.
o.k. take fruits and vegies and dehydrate them mix alot of varietys of both, then blend them to fine consistancey. Mix in some bee pollen and 2 multi vitamins that humans take. You can also ad small amount of hollistic dog food as a filler. There is other herbs like dandilion, basil, kelp, rosemary(this makes it smell good). Also put a fish oil tablet in it. Bada Bing Bada Bam. homemade Cricket chow. This should help, i cant tell you exact measurments but you can figure it out to custom your own.

How do I dehydrate?
I say go with steve. I just paid him on tuesday and received the item today. Thats Calif. to Tx. Now thats fast serv.
A pound is like 7-8 bucks. I think I paid 12 dollars to have it shipped to WA.... Like I said, dirt cheap. Especially when you consider that it lasts 6 months.
A pound is like 7-8 bucks. I think I paid 12 dollars to have it shipped to WA.... Like I said, dirt cheap. Especially when you consider that it lasts 6 months.

dirt cheap at $20? I buy some from the pet store for $3 and I can buy supplies like fruits and veggies..less than that to make my own
yeah the roach guy hasat has 12 pounds of chow plus 1 pound of water cyrstals for 25 bucks, now thats the best pricing plus 12 pounds will last you months and months. Roach chow is what i feed my crickets and dubias so they are on the same page.
dirt cheap at $20? I buy some from the pet store for $3 and I can buy supplies like fruits and veggies..less than that to make my own
What is it? that your buying for 3 dollars? I've seen Pet stores sell chicken feed "cricket food" for 3 dollars.

Pet store divides up a 50 pound bag of chick feed with let's say a 20.00 retail on it. Pet store sells one pound to you at $3. So you just bought .40 cents worth of feed for 3.00. Plus you get the added benefit of USDA poultry meds, and growth hormones.

Ingredients: 235.00
Miller for grinding some of those ingredients: 550.00
Electricity for mixing and milling, and my time: who's counting

Being able to say I make cricket crack: Priceless :)
What is it? that your buying for 3 dollars? I've seen Pet stores sell chicken feed "cricket food" for 3 dollars.

Pet store divides up a 50 pound bag of chick feed with let's say a 20.00 retail on it. Pet store sells one pound to you at $3. So you just bought .40 cents worth of feed for 3.00. Plus you get the added benefit of USDA poultry meds, and growth hormones.

Ingredients: 235.00
Miller for grinding some of those ingredients: 550.00
Electricity for mixing and milling, and my time: who's counting

Being able to say I make cricket crack: Priceless :)

buy cricket crack friends. : )
dirt cheap at $20? I buy some from the pet store for $3 and I can buy supplies like fruits and veggies..less than that to make my own

No it was 12 total, product including shipping costs. And yes, IMO that is an extremely reasonable price. Like color Cham said... The ingredients are listed on the package.... Ingredients that you will not find in commercially availible cricket foods. If you REALLY want to make your own, that's cool. I'm just making a case for how easy/ affordable it is buy it from steve here on the forum, or tikitiki.
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