Crazy questions


I wanna thank all the people who helped me and answered all my crazy question i had about my 2 yr old male veiled chameleon. We rescued him from a pet store here in NJ, we were ready for one we did research n set up his home.But all the research sure don't make u ready when he comes home! like a new baby! :) He is doing great and is moving to his new 18x30x36 house today :) so now i was just wondering if ne1 just wants to talk ??? im bored n really don't have any questions yet today, lol ! ;)

Glad to hear you are doing well with your veiled cham. Is this your first one?
Can you post some pics of him and his new home?
getting ready for bed

i have had him for about a week now. he is so awesome. i will re post his new home later when he is in it, were still finishing it up. gotta go get some plants today n change the soil. this is a pic of buddy going to bed last night he loves this spot he just tucks his lil head in corner n curls up like a baby. :)


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Perfect size for him an like I said if you do get another young Cham like you where thinking about that old viv is just the right size so keep hold of it
Those small screen cages are also great for taking your cham outside for natural sun and fresh air (I use the smallest Reptibreeze)
Much easier to work with and you can get the stubborn ones inside by holding it up to their home cage (with both doors open, of course) and just let them climb in it all by them seleves

Smeagol now recognizes his little sun cage and will que-up to the front of his cage and literaly jump into it as soon as I hold it up there!! :D

He (and Noogie too) have started begging to be let out!!
They are so cute, I cant resist and they almost always get their way ;)
too cute

they r too cute phycobunny we r getting a lil cage to bring him out side and i kinda thought the same thing that he wld get used to it n just go in there. he is very adaptable he already eats from out hands n tolerates us in his house. he realy is great!! and yes chameleonkev i am keeping this one for my lil girl in jan. were getting all new stuff for it today.... just spend spend spend on these guys i love it! u really gotta be able to be home all the time n have some money to really keep these guys properly... yes??? :)
Well I don't go out so yea probly lol an I probly wouldn't use that small viv for outdoors as its half glass, it will get to walm inside threw the glass an cook the poor little guy
they r too cute phycobunny we r getting a lil cage to bring him out side and i kinda thought the same thing that he wld get used to it n just go in there. he is very adaptable he already eats from out hands n tolerates us in his house. he realy is great!! and yes chameleonkev i am keeping this one for my lil girl in jan. were getting all new stuff for it today.... just spend spend spend on these guys i love it! u really gotta be able to be home all the time n have some money to really keep these guys properly... yes??? :)

We've raised three children and I think Chams cost More! I took Rambo out yesterday on my shoulder for about 15 minutes. He hates leaving his house but loves going outside and doesn't want to come back in! Make sure you have several 'layers' of vines and branches for buddy912 to change up on. Our's doesn't go Up & Down much but he does like to have that little bit of variety. Several (2-3) of the thick 6-foot vines will work nicely and will go all the way around the cage. Some small live pothos hanging on the sides for water and to hide under works really well. Just make sure that he can walk around and across in multiple directions. I made a triangle at the top and then stair-stepped two back and forth side-to-side plus a couple of baked branches front to back. All these vines are within the top foot of the cage.


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I wanna thank all the people who helped me and answered all my crazy question i had about my 2 yr old male veiled chameleon. We rescued him from a pet store here in NJ, we were ready for one we did research n set up his home.But all the research sure don't make u ready when he comes home! like a new baby! :) He is doing great and is moving to his new 18x30x36 house today :) so now i was just wondering if ne1 just wants to talk ??? im bored n really don't have any questions yet today, lol ! ;)


By the way, I posted instructions for uploading multiple pics from you pc to the forum threads on your "help trying to upload pictures" thread. You might want to find that post and print it out for future reference. Thanks.
jeepers,,,i think im doing something drastically wrong!!!! All you folks seem to have no issues with getting your Chams out on your hands or outside,,,,,even tho i talk gently,,,,i even sing to the little feller,,,,but he hisses at me,,,which is kinda cute anyways,,,,and leans way over away from my hand if i go close to him,,,,unless Im bringing him his cup o crickets!!!
Anyone have any ideas how to make him less scared of me????
a lil scared...

i was told to start by just putting my hand w a treat for him in there n just wait eventually he will come over... if u put a lil worm on ur hand like a butter worm they wiggle on u and the cham will get it. well thats what buddy did n i only had him for a week. it took a couple of days tho u gotta be real patient with them he will come around for you. good luck! :)
jeepers,,,i think im doing something drastically wrong!!!! All you folks seem to have no issues with getting your Chams out on your hands or outside,,,,,even tho i talk gently,,,,i even sing to the little feller,,,,but he hisses at me,,,which is kinda cute anyways,,,,and leans way over away from my hand if i go close to him,,,,unless Im bringing him his cup o crickets!!!
Anyone have any ideas how to make him less scared of me????

I have the same problem and started to notice he only did it when I was wearing bright colors like green red and blue etc.. I try my best to wear dull colors around my boy I also have been trying to hand feed for the past few weeks. If you can get horn or butter worms try to do so it shows them you're not a threat but a food source. Good luck!
talking n singing

i also talk to my cham like a baby..lmao but they cant even hear us cracks me up!! :D they pick up on vibrations i was told but cant hear they make up for it in there vision.
jeepers,,,i think im doing something drastically wrong!!!! All you folks seem to have no issues with getting your Chams out on your hands or outside,,,,,even tho i talk gently,,,,i even sing to the little feller,,,,but he hisses at me,,,which is kinda cute anyways,,,,and leans way over away from my hand if i go close to him,,,,unless Im bringing him his cup o crickets!!!
Anyone have any ideas how to make him less scared of me????

Ha ha ha! LOL. Don't put yourself down, now! There is no magic bullet. I never said it was easy for me to get Rambo out. I have to coax him every time. Usually I wear gray or black so it isn't the colors. I've tried offering worms, etc. It doesn't work for me either. I keep my hand palm down and slide it in beside him until I make contact. He hisses sometimes and gaps once in a while if I don't handle him at least weekly. He gets used to me the more I offer my hand to him but I don't want to stress him so I try not to do it more than maybe once a week. Once I touch him, I sort of stroke or rub his leg or side as he lets me. Yes, he leans over horizontally trying to become invisible. It looks so funny. It can take me 10 minutes to finally slide my hand under his belly and get him to put his front feet on me. Then I try to get him to walk 'up' my arm and I quickly move out of the enclosure. He tries to swing his tail as a last resort, grabbing any nearby branch. I stop and persuade him to let go. Placing my other hand over his face and staying still briefly seems to put him at ease.
Being nearly bald, I have to put on a cap as he climbs on my shoulder and then up to the top of my head. Once there, I go outside and try to stay away from other tall things that he could climb up on. As we get out into the open he settles down and will 'perch' on my shoulder. He likes showers so I have a low bush he can climb on and then I'll spray him gently for a couple of minutes if it's not too cold. When we go back inside he scrambles to get back in his home as fast as he can go. Yes, it does take a lot of work to get his trust (never completely, I think) and you will not ever know for sure that he may be planning to escape!!! :eek:
i also talk to my cham like a baby..lmao but they cant even hear us cracks me up!! :D they pick up on vibrations i was told but cant hear they make up for it in there vision.

LOL!! I do the same, talk to them all the time, and even sing nighty-night at bedtime! :) :rolleyes:

Sometimes, the way they look at me, I could swear they can not only hear me, but understand me as well!!

Of course, they are indeed stone deaf!! LOL!!
u would think they can hear

he does stare at me also when i sing or talk to him i sometimes wonder if he is reading my lips! :rolleyes: today however he wants nada to do with me i moved him last night to his new viv and he is a bit mad at me for the moment :mad: but he will get over it i hope! :)
Wow!!! I had no idea they were deaf!!! Jimmie used to look at me when I sang to him,,,and it certainly looks like my little Guber hears me too!!!!
Thats Hilarious!!!
heres another thing I notice,,,and would like to rectify!!! I am bowl feeding him,,,just because of past experiences with crickets!! Anyways,,,I am using a clearish/white bowl and he sees the critters from the outside,,,and sometimes will try to get them from the outside,,,is there any particular bad colours to use for the bowl,,,cuz iI dont want him to be scared of the bowl cuz of a wrong colour,,,but I dont want him to get tongue damage by sticking it to the plastic of the clear one either!!!
heres another thing I notice,,,and would like to rectify!!! I am bowl feeding him,,,just because of past experiences with crickets!! Anyways,,,I am using a clearish/white bowl and he sees the critters from the outside,,,and sometimes will try to get them from the outside,,,is there any particular bad colours to use for the bowl,,,cuz iI dont want him to be scared of the bowl cuz of a wrong color,,,but I dont want him to get tongue damage by sticking it to the plastic of the clear one either!!!

u can buy a bowl from the pet store that sorta looks like a big rock, there not the cheapest but buddy is not afraid of that, he walks right on it. i dont feed him in it i have big river rocks in it and the h20 from my fogger drips in it and i clean it out every day. try something like that w a nutral color to it he will see the cricket in there as well n they have different depth to them as well. :)
I had the same issue when I first put the bowl in for feeding, but I have started lining it with a little kale, and the crickets mostly stay on top and he has learned that they are easy to get from a vine that I have just above the bowl. He actually mostly stands right on the bowl and picks them off one by one.
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