Crested Chameleons Sick

The sick one (Ceilia) looks the same. The other female (Misty) looks a little skinny this morning and is moving slow (Mistys eyes still are not caved in like Ceilias). I gave both a shower yesterday (Tuesday) (Mistys first) with 83 degree water room temp 80 degrees. I had an artificial plastic plant there . Misty drank but Ceilia didnt drink. Im thinking of giving Ceilia Reptaid but in the past all the sick ones fight me while I try to give it to them and often vomit it back up.

Im leaving for work in a bit but will check in later.

Unfortunately, Ceilia has died. I still dont know what killed her and her potential mate Little Buddy. I dont think lack of Lighting, Moisture or diet were directly responsible tho. I think these two were sick when I received them. The species is notoriously delicate .

Thanks to Sumhovet and Trace for trying to help keep her alive:). On the other hand Misty is fine and just devoured six waxworms. I will keep posting at the Chameleon forums here as to my experience with the Trioceros Cristatus species as I see fit. But Ill close this particular thread. :(
I'm sorry to hear that. I was really pulling for her. She's one that I thought had a chance to make it. If possible, a necropsy on her might be helpful to determining her cause of death and may help your remaining one if she should fall ill. After she has settled in I'd still recommend doing another fecal exam on her. For best results, try to take a fresh one immediately to the vet to have it checked. Good luck with your remaining one and let me know if you need any help.
Dang! I'm really sorry to read this. I was hoping you could turn them around but the odds are sometimes stacked against you. It's a shame that so many of the wild caughts just don't make it into capable hands in time. :(

Don't give up on the cristatus though, apart from their ungrateful attitude they are definitely an interesting and rewarding species to work with once established. Every now and again you see some decent captive born/hatched specimens available so keep your eyes peeled.

Good luck with Misty and keep us posted on her.

Just got a female wc... All this information is great and hope they are doing well. Here is Milly
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