Cricket bite??!


New Member
My female chameleon (veiled) has a small lump on her head between the eyes that wasn't there yesterday. I'm thinking it's a cricket bite maybe. I'll photograph it in a minute to show you. Has anyone else ever had a cricket bite thier chameleon? Do you have a picture you could show me please? I would have thought them thicker skinned than that? She's in shed and otherwise healthy.... Photo to follow within the hour....
I haven't but others have. Where you are saying it is located could be something else like an abcess, but lets see the photos first before we jump to any conclusions!!
several people have had chameleons get bug bites.

one person had crickets eat half a pymgy chams face off. ( i wont show you that, it was not pretty)

just post apic and we wil go from there.
Oh man there's another dodgy looking bit close to it aswell :( This doesn't look good :(


I'm really worried now :(
What causes them? Are they treatable with antibiotics of some kind?

that does look like an abscess.
causes can be an infection. a clogging of a por.e
in this case, i think its either an eye duct type abscess or a nasal one.

simply put, its a pocket of infection.
antibiotics are pretty much the only thing to treat it.
so vet visit time.
and they may have to lance it (drain the pocket of fluid)
Yeah it's vet time isn't it. I just looked at some pictures from the last few days and there it is but smaller. Must've been building up for the last week or something until I noticed it. Oh maaan :(
Yeah it's vet time isn't it. I just looked at some pictures from the last few days and there it is but smaller. Must've been building up for the last week or something until I noticed it. Oh maaan :(

yea sorry. vet visit time.
its not critical. with proper antibiotics and time, shell be fine.
They do yes but I had put that down to her being in the throes of her latest shed. The folds of skin that allow the orbit to well... orbit lol seem to become a little rigid as the top layer of skin hardens and seperates. I am new to chemeleon keeping but it seems to my eye that the shedding skin gives the eye the apearance of being sunken and that's all. I think it creates a much deeper fold than would normally be there purely because of the extra thickness and rigidity of the sloughing skin.... Not that I'm in denial of course, it seems that the eye of the chameleon is a valuable litmus paper type indicator....

Right I have a lift with wifey sorted out, all I have to do now is get my cham treated and see if I can persuade them to send me the bill so I have a few days because I'm skint! lol
Nope, I take that back, the eye is now swollen and the nostril on that side has errupted with puss which has hardened into a volcano looking mass :(
Nope, I take that back, the eye is now swollen and the nostril on that side has errupted with puss which has hardened into a volcano looking mass :(
Sounds like the abscess may have ruptured, or just grown more and is now intruding into her nostril and eye.
With the proper meds and rest, and water, she willl be fine.

Im really glad you listened to us and are taking her to the vet.
Please keep us posted!

Good Luck!
I've been keeping snakes for years and have a fair few in my snake room. I'm no stranger to how quickly things can get out of hand. I'm just new to chemeleons. :) Reptiles of any kind just need very very careful looking after don't they...
I've been keeping snakes for years and have a fair few in my snake room. I'm no stranger to how quickly things can get out of hand. I'm just new to chemeleons. :) Reptiles of any kind just need very very careful looking after don't they...

ew snakes.
ok shivers passed.

and i think thats true with any animal, whether its cat, dog, chameleon, bird. etc.

since they cant tell us when something hurts or something is bothering them, we need to play detective and figure it out for them.
Oh of course yes.... :) Well, it looks like i'm going to have to choose between the chemist for my pain meds or the vet. Nice. After a mix up yesterday I'm already feeling ill as I'm on morphine :( I won't die though and the chameleon could very well die so the vets it is... Cricky everything's going wrong at the moment!
Ok just got back from the vet. She says upper respiratory tract infection which is obvious really. I have ummmm Batril ? Something like that to treat her with and I've just got the first dose in now and cleaned the messy bits with iodine. Fingers crossed she starts to improve! In the mean time I'm going to start another thread to look at every bit of my husbandry and her enclosure and see if there's anything that needs changing. The woman at the desk in the vets could have been a little nicer about it. She all but had me turn my pockets out! I just had to say well yeah I knew I didn't have any money but the options were let my chameleon die or pay you a few days late. Sorry but what was I supposed to do? I'm sure the owner can still put rocket fuel in his Ferrari until next week.... lol
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