Cricket bite??!

Ok just got back from the vet. She says upper respiratory tract infection which is obvious really. I have ummmm Batril ? Something like that to treat her with and I've just got the first dose in now and cleaned the messy bits with iodine. Fingers crossed she starts to improve! In the mean time I'm going to start another thread to look at every bit of my husbandry and her enclosure and see if there's anything that needs changing. The woman at the desk in the vets could have been a little nicer about it. She all but had me turn my pockets out! I just had to say well yeah I knew I didn't have any money but the options were let my chameleon die or pay you a few days late. Sorry but what was I supposed to do? I'm sure the owner can still put rocket fuel in his Ferrari until next week.... lol

im a little surprised they said URI. did you hear any wheezing, or rasping when she breathes?

But im glad you got something to treat her. though i honestly know nothing on baytril.
I haven't heard any wheezing no. I'll be listening carefully though each time I treat her. I'll need to handle her twice a day now so I'll make full use of that and check and closely as possible. There was gunk at the back of the mouth, coming out of the nose and a bit of skin damage around the nostril from the pussy stuff. It was easy enough to get the medicine in though. Fingers crossed.......
I haven't heard any wheezing no. I'll be listening carefully though each time I treat her. I'll need to handle her twice a day now so I'll make full use of that and check and closely as possible. There was gunk at the back of the mouth, coming out of the nose and a bit of skin damage around the nostril from the pussy stuff. It was easy enough to get the medicine in though. Fingers crossed.......

well gunk in the mouth is a sign of a URI.
I've had baytril to treat a RI however was the issue of the bump being drained adressed? antiboitocs will be needed so it doesnt become infected, what about the eyes? if the cham have any shakeyness in the gait? the dont look so much suncken and a little inflated. mabey too much or too little supplaments aswell.
She tried to drain the lump but it wasn't happening and she didn't push it too far. Cham not shaky or any other visable signs apart from the fact I saw her resting on her belly yesterday which I hadn't seen before. I'm cleaning the nostril and the bump with dilluted iodine and we're hoping the antiboitic clears it. If it gets worse or otherwise looks dodgy it's back to the vets with her.... So let's hope I can get that bill paid! :eek:
Taking her medicine well (good job they growl at you easily! lol ) Nostril looking functional and not too bad, lump on the head still there but we've only just started treatment. The main thing is she is behaiving perfectly normally which is great :) Thanks very much for helping everyone :D
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