Cricket breeding / Set up

Some of my adults have been extremely long lived compared to store bought crickets, they don't die off like the ones from the pet stores if you've bred them yourself. Only the young ones do well with moisture, once they are older you want them to be dry except for the water source. So basically you need screening for ventilation, and only feed enough veggies as they can eat in a day or two.
I just started using crickets as a food source for my chams... My question is, How do you keep the bin of the crickets from getting so moist??

Ventilation probably helps. Just cut out the top and sides of cricket bin. Also, if you use a bulb to provide them with heat, that keeps them warm while at the same keeps things dry. It kind of drys out the food you give them Though (greens, carrots, fruits). I feel like I need to replace the food every day because of this, but I've forgotten plenty of times and every other day see to be fine as well.
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