Cricket breeding


New Member
Im having trouble getting cricks to lay eggs i have tried eco earth & reg. dirt from my backyard & not seeing them lay or any eggs i have a 10g bin
With a dish with the dirt in it i keep them @ around 85* i have about 60 mostly females in it? Any suggestions what im doing wrong or am i missing somthingor blind?
Maybe give them a bit more space--or make sure the dirt can be easily accessed by them.

Mist the dirt 1-2 times lightly a day. Make it moist for the females.
My ground has been frozen so I've been using damp vermiculite.

Are you sure you are incubating the eggs long enough? Mine are hatching at about 12 days at 84 degrees...

FWIW I can't see the eggs- I just trust they are there, remove the container every 24 hours and put in a fresh one, and then they hatch after incubating. I don't look too hard though and probably need a magnifying lense anyway...

Maybe give them a bit more space--or make sure the dirt can be easily accessed by them.

I make little cardboard ramps up into the nest box. New2chams Can you see your females in the box?

Mist the dirt 1-2 times lightly a day.

I just pre-moisten it and then let them lay, then remove the next day and put the lid on it for the duration of incubation (I use food storage containers- rubbermaid tupperware- sandwich style boxes). I put a new nest box in with the females every day.
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im a first time cricket breeder

i found that the crickets prefer to lay their eggs in a wet paper towel over the dirt. i put a folded up wet paper towel in the cage and they immediately ran up to it and started laying eggs. i gently unfolded the paper towel an saw there are over a hundred eggs laid into the papertowel an it had only been in the cage for a few days. hope this helps
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