Cricket Breeding :(


New Member
Our cricket breeding operation is not going so well. I have had eggs in the little "incubator" for a week at a constant 74 degrees and nothing.

We also had a mass epidemic in our cricket bin. Yesterday we lost close to 60 crix for some unknown reason.

I left the eggs in the incubator but I am pretty sure they wont hatch.
i had a mass epidemic once that turned out to be my hand soap. some anti bacterial soap killes crix(dial foam). they are very sensitive to toxins. if they died on there backs it was most likely toxin. i switched to organic hand soap and bin cleaner. i now have way less unexplained deaths. watch out for over watering to. the will drink themselves to death,(swell up and turn white.)
Try keeping the temperatures around 85 F. (A regular lightbulb placed the right distance away does the trick for me. Keep it on 24/7 for best results)
If you let the temps go below 70, they REALLY slow down and often die off (or don't hatch) and over 95 you get crispy-crickets.
Remember the warmer the temps, the more they eat and the faster they grow!

Good luck!
HEY QUIET RIOT you should try dubia roaches they are way easier and you dont hatch eggs they dont poop like crix either:rolleyes:
Our cricket breeding operation is not going so well. I have had eggs in the little "incubator" for a week at a constant 74 degrees and nothing.
Mine take well over a week to hatch at 80+ degrees. Try raising the temp a bit and give them time. Just make sure the substrate doesn't dry out. Before you know it, you'll have hundreds of pinheads!
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