Cricket Farm


Chameleon Enthusiast
So my crickets will start out slowly, I likely will be giving them far more room than most people do. I plan to give the most amount of room to the breeding adults of course, and then will have another bin that I switch the egg laying boxes into, I will raise them in there until at least a week or so into life. And then I will likely switch them into the larger grow out bin with the adults because I feel they will be able to fend for themselves well then. I will of course have my cleaner crew. To help with cleaning and healthy rearing, but I also plan to clean them at least weekly.

I am waiting to start really thinking about temps etc, until I have all the heat tape I want. Which I won't be getting for likely a month or so. I plan to give 2-3 feet in width to the adults, and around 24-30 inches in length to them. Height will be around 1 foot? maybe an inch or two more.... The grow out enclosure will likely be a bit smaller, because it has to be kept a smidge warmer preferably, and the babies have to be able to find food easily.
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