Cricket Infestation


New Member
I'm new, and just purchased (my first) 20 crickets (medium) to feed/keep a wild brown Anloe for a week or so. In any case, we have about five more crickets, kept in a jar with ordinary window screen rubber banded on the top. We have kept this jar in the house, for convenience.

I just found a live cricket in the bathroom. Could this cricket have escaped the rubber banded screen lid? Could this cricket, have been lured into the home by the crickets in the jar, even though I don't hear these jar'ed crickets make any noise?

I'm thinking of getting a Jackson's and thus raising crickets. Can any one describe some problems occurring with cricket infestations? I don't think they bite. But I heard they eat all sorts of stuff
I honestly have never heard of a cricket infestation, I wish one would happen to me, I used to go through more crickets than I care to share. If you have a reptile that eats crickets it is almost garanteed that you will see them from time to time in your home. Your home as far as I am concerned is not s suitable place for crickets to breed and multiply, unless of course you have food and water supplies available for them.
If you have just window screen on the top of the jar I would inspect the screen, crickets can chew right through that (and often do) and escape! Sounds like you had a jailbreak from your jar setup.
Crickets are like Houdini, they can escape the escape proof. I use a 12" high Tupperware container with a few holes drilled into the top for ventilation. With as many cardboard tubes as I think I need for the amount I have at the moment. I still do get escapees every once in a while (mostly when cleaning the cricket box), but we have a few cats and they love chasing and killing them.

I would recommend you look into Dubia or Lateralis Roaches, they are affordable, they don't smell (Crickets reek when you have lots),they don't climb smooth surfaces, they are easy to take care of, Dubias can grow up to 1.5 -2 inches (over about 5 months) they start at 1/8th inch.

Variety is important in a diet so try to make sure to offer a few different food item option
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Im in trouble, Gf just found dead cricket in the silverware holder in the drawer:eek:.. Thats pretty bad, who knows how long hes been in there. Im glad I usually grab my forks from the counter that hang.
I just saw one loose in my closet today when I was getting dressed. Little buggers, I've given up on catching them. hahah.
Thats what the spiders are for. lol j/k What I cant stand is when you have a male crick escape and they get under the fridge or the washing machine. Then you cant catch the noisey little sucker.
"Im here for plague, er.. I mean, Party. Wrong address?"

"Ah Ah Ah Ah, Stayin Aliiiiiiiiiive!" :D

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If the anole is in a glass aquarium and the crickets are small enough, they can climb the glue in the corners of the cage. Is there a good seal on the lid? Any spaces they can get out?
We had this problem. At first you're like ehh, just stomp on it. Then another and another, then you're watching a movie in the living room at night and all of a sudden you feel something crawling on you... We stopped feeding crickets. And still see one or two small ones everyones in a while... Now we feed everything BUT crickets...
I definately think that it is a Houdini cricket. We get them sometimes creaking under the fridge from out of nowhere. We did notice that sometimes when our cham shoots, the little buggers end up flying and escaping into the abyss of our massive cage. I would have little worry though, to my knowledge, it is tricky to breed crickets and so I would not worry about an infestation. We are starting to breed roaches but our guy is not into eating yet because he is addicted to superworms and will only dabble into crickets if he gets hungry enough. If you can get your cham to eat roaches I would go for it. They are so easy to care for, will breed even without a heating pad/bulb, they have no smell, and make no sounds. You just need to make sure that they cannot escape, luckily they cannot jump and we have not lost any yet. Hope that this helps,
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