cricket (or another insect) cup


Avid Member
Hey everyone!

I see a lot of people who have some form of a diy cricket feeder cup.

My question is this;

Is there a commercially availible option for this and if so where?

And if there is not... what would be some feautures you all would want in a hanging feeder and about what would you be willing to pay for such an item.

Also would you want it black, clear, white, or custom cammo paint?

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I am going to attempt to make one with the old cheese containers as others here before have....but I WISH I could just buy one. I would want either brown black or green to blend in....I think I would pay up to $20 with shipping for that kind with the screen on the back for the crickets to crawl up on. Hell the cheese container already cost me almost $10 on ebay....
Member @nick barta has a feeder cup for sale here. They are under the market tab and in the supply section. I believe the thread is labeled feeders and supplies. Check them out though. It sounds like what you guys are looking for.
They give you a wide angle for the chameleon too see the climbing prey. You also can hang them from a branch through the tiny eyebolt in the top, so the pole cup will rotate with air movement.


Hey everyone!

I see a lot of people who have some form of a diy cricket feeder cup.

My question is this;

Is there a commercially availible option for this and if so where?

And if there is not... what would be some feautures you all would want in a hanging feeder and about what would you be willing to pay for such an item.

Also would you want it black, clear, white, or custom cammo paint?

I do not have a cricket cup however I do use the mealworm feeder cup (it has little holes at the bottom for mealworms to dangle out of) and I picked it up at my local Petco and it works like a charm with crickets as well they don't fall out of the holes because the holes are too small. it is also inexpensive (about $3-$5) hope this helps! :)
I just use a semi lucent opaque plastic container that held grated cheese [3 inches deep and about 4 1/2 inches in diameter], and I place it at the bottom of the cage right now. He has no problem with it and often will check it for food when he's hungry. Some of the bigger crickets can jump out, and those are the first to get eaten.
There can be an issue with water accumulation when I get my Mist King [I currently use a Little Dripper and an ultrasonic humidifier], so I'm probably going to make my own feeder cup or buy one later if water accumulates in it.
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