Crickets after they feed


New Member
One of the crickets that I dropped into the cham's enclosure today I noticed his abdomen/thorax was reddish/orange ( the last segment of it's body dont remember which of those two it is). I had gutloaded the crickets earlier on with carrots and I was wondering if that you could see the food in the crickets after they eat it or something because I had never seen that color in a cricket before. That's the only thing I can think of because none of the crickets had red in them when I purchased em that's for sure..
Yeah, you can totally see it. Sometimes I'll feed greens and carrot to small crickets and some will be green and some orange! Try getting some beets:eek:
I've seen this with my dubia roaches, I'll feed them carrots and they have the orange look to them.
i used to give my baby crickets gelatin water that was blue so they glowed blue from their abdomens! quite a neat sight.
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