Crickets dying too fast

So now that you know the problem you probably want to look into a better dry gutload, such as repashy or cricket crack. Or even making your own. If you have any health food stores near you, look into buying certified organic veggies that you only use for your feeder, which is surprisingly easy to find, even possibly in regular grocery stores.
Having chameleons is all about the bug care,keep them in a clean tank is a must,that includes their food , water,place they hide....they all need to be change daily especially 500 crickets in a small cage.
I'll look into those foods and start cleaning the cage more often. Thanks again.
Something else I do too is put them in a clean bucket while I'm cleaning the small tank I keep them in..while they are in the bucket I put some gutload in there...let em feast, and keep em in there for a few hrs so the bucket gets dirty...small tank stays a little cleaner for a little while longer...but overall crickets always make a mess lol.
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