Crickets EVERYWHERE... help


Ok, so somehow crickets are getting out of my chams cage and it's driving my mom and my brother crazy because they hate crickets. I don't know they are getting out, but they are. I'm pretty sure it's out of the cage but it could be out of the carrier thing I have them in. Any ideas of keeping them in the cage and stuff better will be much appreciated. Thank you.
What size cage do you have ? Put up pictures . It's hard to even start with a diagnostic with the very little info you have ! What kindof cricket keeper is it ? How do you dump them when you put them inside the cage ,? What method you use to dust ? All these could be things leading to crickets escaping!
Ok, so somehow crickets are getting out of my chams cage and it's driving my mom and my brother crazy because they hate crickets. I don't know they are getting out, but they are. I'm pretty sure it's out of the cage but it could be out of the carrier thing I have them in. Any ideas of keeping them in the cage and stuff better will be much appreciated. Thank you.
You should switch to worms (specifically superworms, they are healthy!!) My friend had a cham that feeds on crix, he kept them in a container. One day he picked up the container and it fell, all the crix got out. They all escaped, he had to call a exterminator.
If you have a "cricket keeper" brand of carrier I've noticed that they sometimes can crawl up the outside of the black tubes and out the small opening where the plastic flap clicks in. In the enclosure you can just cup feed to keep them contained.
I don't even deal with the cricket containers anymore they escape from them most definitely in my experience. Putting the crickets in a big smooth plastic tub is the way to go! I had a few escape at first and I absolutely hate them too. I changed to the tub and I never had a problem again.
Sticky traps (or cats, haha) are good for catching the rogue crickets. Keep a few around the perimeter of your room. I have a 10 gallon aquarium with a screen lid for my crickets - lots easier to clean and access. I got really tired of fiddling with a kritter keeper.

Superworms can be rotated in to your chams diet; I like to offer them once a week. They are a bit fattty and have a hard exoskeleton that can be difficult to digest if you use them exclusively, that's why you don't want them as your staple feeder. You can feed them fresh fruits and veggies to gutload them, too.
Depending on how many crickets you keep. Under 500 crickets, 10 gallon with a metal screen lid for the keeper.
The cage i can not help with cause it is pretty impossible to keep them in.

To help catch strays...Put some egg crate near the cage. They love to hide in the stuff. You can also do as stated above with sticky tape.
Thank you for all the help. I use a reptile transporter thing to hold the crickets. It's like a cricket keeper but bigger and it doesn't have those 2 holes in it. I also have super worms and dubai roaches to feed my cham bit crickets are his main food. I was told that the 5 crickets my brother found yesterday were brown which means that they hadn't been dusted yet so they are getting out of the keeper somehow. I will try some all y'alls ideas and see how it goes. Thank you again.
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