Crickets for Michiganders?


New Member
Who are you using to ship crickets for you here in Michigan?

It seems like I always have great death rate during the winter times...

I just get my crickes at one of the reptile shows every month. The all michigan reptile show in taylor is today actually. There is one in kalamazoo and grand rapids every month too, I just dont know the date. $15 for 1000 crickets and no shipping, which means all are alive.
I use Top Hat. They are outta K-zoo. Any crickets sold at the reptile shows here are typically from them.
Thanks for the replies!!

Every now and then I go to the Taylor show... Never thought of going there just for the crickets but I think in Winter time it may be the best solution - and yes, no S&H AND all alive!!!

Thanks again!!!

I will give Top Hat a chance as well since they are so close...
Yes top hat is who I get the crickets from at the show. I also re-stock my supers every once in awhile from them as it seems every time I buy supers from them they are huge and ready to turn into beetles fairly soon. Not to mention there are nearly no dead crickets when you get them from them at a show, its great. I only live about 15 mins from the taylor show over here off rosa parks a few blocks south of the davison so it works out nice.
I didn't know Top Hat was in K-Zoo. I live in Grand Rapids. I get them at the show once a month. I only need 500 of them. I get them for $9 at the show. 1000 costs $13, but I have been doing really good on die offs where they barely ever die anymore, so they last a month. I get my Hornworms and supers also from there. Read the top hat faq though. If you think you have dead ones on delivery they might not really be dead. You can revive them or something like that. Read the faq it might help you out. One of my chams stopped eating crickets. It's weird how they get picky, so right now that one is eating Dubia's and Superworms.
Lansing area, I use Preuss's Pets (though you seem set with Top Hat); pet food supply places (like Soldans) also carry crix.
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