Crickets in the house

How is it that crickets kept nice and warm with sweet potato, carrots and blackberries die in a short period of time. But one that escapes can live without food or water under the furniture and chirping under your bed for a week and a half?
Fresh air.
Must be something wrong with the crickets captive environment if they're living outside it but dying in it, don't you think? What's your captive set up like? Crowded? Needs cleaning? Not enoug egg cartons or something to hide in? Food getting moody or rotting? Too much/too little heat or humidity?
Must be something wrong with the crickets captive environment if they're living outside it but dying in it, don't you think? What's your captive set up like? Crowded? Needs cleaning? Not enoug egg cartons or something to hide in? Food getting moody or rotting? Too much/too little heat or humidity?
I actually have a low ratio of crickets dying before I can use them for food.
(I'm just being funny)
The world is a different place when you're the size of a cricket. Food is abundant in crumbs and flakes. One droplet of water or any other liquid can sustain you for a day or two and fresh air and rolling pastures of the good human stuff that bugs covet. There's almost no reason why a cricket shouldn't, wouldn't or couldn't survive days roaming around a house. Hard to understand since we don't have that visual perspective as bipedal giants .
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