Crickets in Toronto


New Member
I'm soon to be getting a panther, wondering a few things...

-Is it worth it to buy crickets in bulk for 1 panther?
-Who has cheap crickets in bulk?

Thanks :)
deffinately not worth buying bulk for one, unless it's a baby when they eat like monsters.

other than that, just going to the pet store and grabbing as much as you'd need in about a week should do it. you can also get treats and what not as well without having to order which is good. you dont want him on only crickets.
crickets as a primary, but you want to try and spice it up and offer more.
hornworms and silkworms are great for added calcium and protein, superworms are a treat that should be offered sparingly. pheonix worms and butterworms are great calcium worms too, but stay away from wax worms as they are nothing but high fat and pretty well useless to a healthy chameleon
If you can find a few other reptile owners near you , you could split a box of 1000 crix every 2 weeks. That should reduce your feeder cost significantly over a year. Or start your own feeder company in your area of town. If you can get 15 clients , you would be making a bit of money.
being in TO I would prob, suggest port credit pet center, whenever I'm in TO I hit em up.
All the Big Al's stores have crickets and a variety of other feeders too. I go to the one in Vaughan. They get them shipped twice a week.
I'm soon to be getting a panther, wondering a few things...
-Is it worth it to buy crickets in bulk for 1 panther?
-Who has cheap crickets in bulk?
Thanks :)

Not worth it, especially if you offer (as you should) a wide variety of feeders such that crickets only make up maybe 20% of the chameleons diet.
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