Crickets jump much!


New Member
I have been getting crickets from lllreptile...1000 at a time. They are very jumpy compared to the pet store. What can I do to isolate the jumping?

Everytime I put them in a container a bunch jump out so then I don't have as many as I want. When I get to the cage more jump out and now they are free ranged. I don't mind on that part but I dont want my beardie eating crickets with sand in his cage..and the crickets hide in Charlie's cage.

What do I do?
LOL Its in their nature to jump... What you can do is cut the spiky part of their hind legs off to stop them from jumping. What i also find effective is that when moving them or around them, dont make sudden/fast movements but move in a slow/continuous manner. You will find that less feel scared and forget about jumping.
I know it sounds stupid, but hey, it works for me.:)
Put them in a container while holding it in the cricket tub, in the bathtub! Then quickly cover them with a lid and shake them up to disorient them! :) that's what I do anyways...
For starters dont try to sort crix unless you are over the top of the crick tub. Then any that try to bail fall right back in the tub. Second get a big plastic bag and when you shake your cricks out of the cardboard toil paper rolls into your bag you can supplement them at that time. Then i usually sort out 10 into individual tupperware/glad plastic sealable bowls. I carry those to the cages and toss em in. No escapees and no worries.

Another good thing about the glad toss away containers is if you are going away for a day you can make pre-made food for your cham babysitters. I just take out 10 crix for every cham and put a little food in with em. That way my caregiver can just water my chams and toss the crix in and leave. I even label mine so she knows what cham gets what container.
I had that problem in the beginning too and one of the forum members suggested putting them in the fridge for a few minutes to slow them down. Covered of course!
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