Crickets just fall

So i free range my crix since zoe wont eat from a cuo, but all they do is fall to the bottom of her age and die, or hide out on top of her cage and she wont go for them. Some also hide in her plants but shell get them eventually. I plop them CAREFULLY on a large branch so she can see them but they all jump and fall to their deaths. Also, shell have her tongue out a bit when she sees one and she can clearly get it but she doesnt go for it. Any suggestions?
Cup feeding. Or large amounts of patience. Haha.

I free range my crickets--some of them have probably been in there for like 5 days
What kind of cup are you using ? A lot of people make a cup using a milk jug , and putting wire inside the jug so the crickets can climb inside and spark attention
Loki refused to cup feed as well, which was fine because he ate crickets for the most part and liked to free range, he would go all over the terrarium to catch them. Then I started a roach colony and since his terrarium is glass I cant just let them crawl along the sides. So it was a stand off between him and I and the cup lol

I first tried a paper cup zap strapped to one of his vines. Which he used as a bathroom.

Then I bought a clear plastic soap holder, its for your shower. It has two suction cups and I put that in and he refused to eat out of it. He would go over and look into it, open his mouth a little (I would get all excited) he would then notice me and go "NOPE" and walk away lol. This went on for almost a week, until he decided that being hungry sucked and now he goes and checks the cup out every morning waiting for food.

Patience and persistence :) Good luck!!!!!
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