Hi! I recently got a male veiled chameleon from a reptile store near me. He’s probably about 5 months old, (they didn’t tell me at the store) and at the moment I am feeding him calcium dusted gutloaded super worms. I know he should be eating crickets or dubia roaches as a main staple. Before I got him, my parents didn’t want me getting crickets and having them jump all over the place. Now after they’ve seen Rocky, they love him and don’t care if I feed crickets. I too don’t want crickets jumping all over though. I hope this doesn’t sound too terrible, but would I be able to pull the legs off a cricket and feed it to my cham so that they aren’t jumping all over his cage and into my bedroom? Obviously if I can’t pull their legs off then I will still feed him crickets, that isn’t a problem anymore, I just am squeamish about them jumping all over. I hope I don’t sound inhumane, I would only pull the legs off right before feeding them to Rocky.