Critique My Enclosure!


I would like to know if anyone here has advice about my enclosure for my future chameleon (T. j. jacksonii from Steve Mcnary). It has a Mistking mister, a basking bulb and UVB bulb, a dripper, and a Zilla thermostat for the basking bulb. The plants are 1 Wandering Jew, both Schefflera arboricola variations, 1 Pothos vine, and 3 Air Plants.

I think it is done, but I just would like to know if I need to get a new Schefflera, the variegated one is drooping and I think I over-watered it. Perhaps I could nurse it back to health. I also have the fluorescent fixture for an additional 6.5k bulb in the mail.

I have attached pictures of my drainage, complete enclosure, and plants.


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Looks great. Only thing I'd add are a few long branches/dowels that go vertically from the bottom of the enclosure towards the top of the cage. Just a personal preference of mine. ;)
Thank you Big Gulp and xcrystalx for responding. I have a spare 6 foot twisty vine, would that be a good vertical branch?

Jaden,VERY NICE!!!! You have done a very good job and the cage looks good. Use the extra vine you have and with the light you have on the way it should be fantastic. The Jacksoni I have for you should be very happy and do well. He was showing his colors this am and is one of the best males from both of those batches. As soon as the weather gets warmer I will send him to you.

BTW to forum members,this is a young man who has done ALL THE RESEARCH on his own and come up with this cage and everything. I'm proud to send him one of my prize holdback male Jacksoni.
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Jaden,VERY NICE!!!! You have done a very good job and the cage looks good. Use the extra vine you have and with the light you have on the way it should be fantastic. The Jacksoni I have for you should be very happy and do well. He was showing his colors this am and is one of the best males from both of those batches. As soon as the weather gets warmer I will send him to you.

Thanks Steve
I just added the extra vine and can't wait for the jacksoni. :)

I am having trouble keeping the basking temperature above 75 F with the 50 watt bulb though. I looked at Lowes the other day but they did not have anything suitable. Anyone have recommendations on what to do?
Thanks Steve
I just added the extra vine and can't wait for the jacksoni. :)

I am having trouble keeping the basking temperature above 75 F with the 50 watt bulb though. I looked at Lowes the other day but they did not have anything suitable. Anyone have recommendations on what to do?

I noticed you have your basking light on a clamp raised up above the cage. That is ok but is the reason why you are having the trouble. I would suggest getting a Lutron table lamp dimmer and a 100 watt halogen bulb. The basking light plugs into the dimmer and then you should not have any trouble controlling the basking temp. The dimmer is about $10.00 at Lowes or Home Depot and the halogen is about $6-7 bucks. I will post a picture of the dimmer in my next post as well as how it is used.
Schefflera problem

Sorry for the second post, but does anyone if I need a new variegated Schefflera arboricola? I have a picture of it in my first post. Can it be nursed back to health?
I would only add vines. It looks very natural and I think the vines would maintain that, dowels will take away from it.

It needs the grow light you have ordered. After you get that see how it does. You might need to replace it. It's doubtful you overwatered it as mine get flooded every day and still do fine.
Thanks for all the compliments guys. I will post pictures of the cage with the added vine tomorrow.

Steve, I will probably go to the local Home Depot for those items sometime this week.
Sorry for the second post, but does anyone if I need a new variegated Schefflera arboricola? I have a picture of it in my first post. Can it be nursed back to health?
some of us use two 6500k lights for plants that seems to help..or you can get a pothos to hang from top.i also have one on top and bottom and they will grow up sides of cages and vine and are fairly cheap.
Sorry for the second post, but does anyone if I need a new variegated Schefflera arboricola? I have a picture of it in my first post. Can it be nursed back to health?

Before I added grow lights to my cages my schefflera did the same thing. It will bounce back fine. Mine is huge now. Congrats on the Jacksoni-sounds like you have definitely done your research! :)
some of us use two 6500k lights for plants that seems to help..or you can get a pothos to hang from top.i also have one on top and bottom and they will grow up sides of cages and vine and are fairly cheap.

That's the light I recommend he get as well and I to think that's what's wrong with his plant. But the cage looks very nice I think. :)
Good thing I won't need another Schefflera again, the 6500k daylight bulb I ordered will get here any day:D. I have a Pothos at the top of the cage, you can't see it though because almost all of the growth is behind the plant holder I made for it. I have attached pictures of my cage with the Pothos and added vine.

Sorry, couldn't upload my photos on my mom's computer. It said that it failed to upload my pictures every time:confused:. I will try to post photos tomorrow.
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