Crumb has friends now

little leaf

Avid Member
Crumb has new friends :ROFLMAO: all the eggs hatched - they are so cute!
Cookie would be so proud :rolleyes:


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They're so small! Are you sure some green bugs didn't invade your egg bin?
Wow! You've got some work to do now.
oh my goodness I can't handle how tiny and CUUTTEE!!!
I don't think I would every be up for breeding my own, so I really do love seeing everyone else's babies! :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Eeeeeeeeeee! Too much cuteness in one place. Don't get Crumb mixed up, though. Crumb is a special little cham :D
Yes, the other 2 need names :) I like speck and chip, what are some other tiny names?:rolleyes:
I THINK they are boys? Anyone feel free to ID the sex if you can :p
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