cuddley chameleons!


New Member
Ive noticed alot on here about chemeleons not being cuddley or friendly pets but i have boyh a male yeman n a female rescue panther n they both love a cuddle n scratch at the front of they enclosures to come out. My yemen likes to climb up my t shirt n rest hit little head just out the top n snuggle in n the panther has found quite the attraction to my partners breasts n will sit there for hours. I must admit they spend more time out of thier enclosures on chameleon friendly plants but my chameleons love to be out and enjoy the fresh air n excercise. They aren't really pets they're family.
Yes .. my chameleons are like that too :) my male likes to rest on you while my female is always active so she tends to walk all over me .. :)
I wish mine would do this. My veiled is a grouch. My panther I've only had for About 3 weeks and he's still kind of scared of me.
My panther loves being out and hanging out. Once he sees me in the room he walks towards the front of his cage and waits for me to come get him. Once out, he loves to walk all over me and hang out on my head. He also seems to love chin rubs. Once I stop, he reaches for my hand almost to say "WAIT! Where are you going?! Come back!"
My chameleon will snuggle up to my chin and he even has his own giant teddy bear he loves to sleep on. He likes his CA age but like yours, he likes his exercise
My panther loves being out and hanging out. Once he sees me in the room he walks towards the front of his cage and waits for me to come get him. Once out, he loves to walk all over me and hang out on my head. He also seems to love chin rubs. Once I stop, he reaches for my hand almost to say "WAIT! Where are you going?! Come back!"
This is exactly how my panther is. He wants out all the time. All too often he needs to poop. He seems to like to wait till he comes out to go poop. I wish I could have a nice little set up for him to climb on. Too dangerous as I have a cat.
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