Cuddlng with dinner


New Member
Hes cuddling with the wax worm......eats mealworms like crazy will eat 2 crickets and then be done. He ate 3 this morning ......weird echo weird


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Maybe he's just full? If he's still pretty young, he may just be full and not so much "cuddling" with his food....? He actually looks asleep in that pic so....
I'd say no more mealworms and waxworms just as a treat.
Because mealworms can cause impaction and waxworms are fatty.
Good advice. I'd even say small-medium crickets daily and use worms as a treat. My female veiled loves any kind of worm, mainly hornworms or pheonix worms.
My Cham has dusted/gutloaded
Crickets as a staple and worms as a treat. @jannb , hate to call her out, but she's the "queen of veilds" and can tell you all you need to know.
Good advice. I'd even say small-medium crickets daily and use worms as a treat. My female veiled loves any kind of worm, mainly hornworms or pheonix worms.
lucky you!
I wish my jackson's would love worms... I found out he doesn't care for silkworms, now I have near 100 silkworms to feed and 100more that just hatched from their eggs. :confused:

I think any feeder is better than mealworms, mealworms are just cheap and easy to come by.
Crickets are good as staple since they are easy to gut load and most reptiles will eat them anyways.
He gets collard green gutloaded crickets...loves store told me wax so i have 50 left... 10 mealworms his poo is mostly white sometimes black ....he has tons of real plants 1 fake pothos misted whenever i walk by....drip system set up over the planted plants so theres no water in the bottom...hes so tiny still.....
I would ditch the mealworms or just feed 1 per feeding...
You can still use the waxworms but feed tem sparingly as they are fat, having 50 of em some will likely pop into moths but you can also see if he wants to take the moths.

Silks are good food and not to fat but they aren't cheap to keep alive.
I dont ever see him drink so i was looking for something juicy....he looks fine not dehydrated or anything
just watch the urates, as long as they are (mostly) white it's ok... A lot of people worry about not seeing their cham drink but some chams are just 'shy' about it.
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