Chameleon Enthusiast
For years I had dreamed of owning a chameleon. Ever since my mom got me my first Jackson's. Sadly he only lived a short while. It was 1980 so not much was known. From there I realized, at the age of 11, that these animals were for experts with a bank roll.
Well I still began my quest for knowledge, read any thing I could find. As time progressed I began to learn to ignore what "care guides" said and I studied the biotopes of the animals I wanted to keep, then crossed referenced with the care sheets.
This lead me to naturalistic, bio active setups. At that time 1998 or so most trips the the fish store ended up with me hearing how that wont work. Well following this plan, my discuss fish not only lived 8 to 10 years, but spawned regular. To the point that they learned where to put the eggs so they could protect them. It was a community tank 100g fully planted. 15% water changes daily.
So I just expanded this to my other animals. I once had a "pond" tank, and it grew hydras it was cool you could see them on the glass. I had a high school teacher that offered an A for any one that could bring in a hydra. I always thought of this.
So fast forward. When we bought our new house it had an inset tub with a window.
So I started watching it. Doing nothing it was holding 30% humidity and steady room temp.(season dependent) The window is west facing, so no direct light.
Well You know where this is headed.
So I finally got my dream setup, well just over a year ago. Everything is automated and on timers. I live in Oregon so working with the seasons I will have a wet and dry season.
I just switched to 100watt MegaRay, from 160 to decrease temp for dry season. Oregon seasons are backwards from Yemen.
So right now Comparing to weather charts, I just entered November in Yemen.
The most amazing thing about this setup is how well I can control the weather. The other day, lights had just gone out, fogger started, wife taking hot shower, with the window cracked just about an inch or so. Cold and dry outside.
So what happens when cold dry air collides with warm moist air? YES a cloud ☁ OMG it created an actual cloud floating above the tub. I am including a video If I can figure out how. lol!AoK6bTkH1J8KtBvZip5HRd4l6EiN?e=MStjjd
The enclosure.
Well I still began my quest for knowledge, read any thing I could find. As time progressed I began to learn to ignore what "care guides" said and I studied the biotopes of the animals I wanted to keep, then crossed referenced with the care sheets.
This lead me to naturalistic, bio active setups. At that time 1998 or so most trips the the fish store ended up with me hearing how that wont work. Well following this plan, my discuss fish not only lived 8 to 10 years, but spawned regular. To the point that they learned where to put the eggs so they could protect them. It was a community tank 100g fully planted. 15% water changes daily.
So I just expanded this to my other animals. I once had a "pond" tank, and it grew hydras it was cool you could see them on the glass. I had a high school teacher that offered an A for any one that could bring in a hydra. I always thought of this.
So fast forward. When we bought our new house it had an inset tub with a window.
Well You know where this is headed.
So I finally got my dream setup, well just over a year ago. Everything is automated and on timers. I live in Oregon so working with the seasons I will have a wet and dry season.
I just switched to 100watt MegaRay, from 160 to decrease temp for dry season. Oregon seasons are backwards from Yemen.
So right now Comparing to weather charts, I just entered November in Yemen.
The most amazing thing about this setup is how well I can control the weather. The other day, lights had just gone out, fogger started, wife taking hot shower, with the window cracked just about an inch or so. Cold and dry outside.
So what happens when cold dry air collides with warm moist air? YES a cloud ☁ OMG it created an actual cloud floating above the tub. I am including a video If I can figure out how. lol!AoK6bTkH1J8KtBvZip5HRd4l6EiN?e=MStjjd
The enclosure.