Cup Feeding Not working


New Member
Ok, so the cup thing is not working. I've been away with my wife all day and havnt been home, left 2 crix in the cup and nothing to be eatin. They were still chillin in the cup. Nov 1st will be his third day at my house and not a single crix eatin Hmm people, what should I do now. this is stressin me out big time. Maybe I just need to give him more time? OR put him in a 20 gal aquarium with screen lid till Nov 5th so the crix will be readly avalible. On the 5th I will get his 38 gal screen viv that will be alot smaller so he can catch crickets.
they can yes, but he will never be able to get them. he is a small juvi and he is in a 2ftx2ftx4ft wire mesh viv i made. the crix dont even get close to him. Some of these awesome people told me to use a cup feeding method, but after today i feel this might not work until he is a little less stressed. the is the end of my second day having him. Im stressed because he isnt a normal veiled, he is a high orange and his colors are already amazing at 4 months, i paid 150 for him, I dont wanna see $150 die. reptisun 5.0 150 watt basking bulb that he doesnt use, its prolly a little on the HOT side, so i will change it.
If you haven't already, place the cup just below his fav. basking spot. Hopefully he will see them in there. Good luck
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what do you think about me putting him in a 20 gallon aquarium for a few days? i will get the temps right as well. i feel he will easily be able to snag a crix if he wants one rather than it being a 1 in 50 chance of one getting in his field of veiw in my 2x2x4 viv
You can try a larger container with a stick in the center so he can see the crickets climb up it.
I would just put the cup close to where he hangs out the most and hope he gets the idea. I never really had feeding troubles though (yet), so I won't be as much help as some of these folks.
I've never had issues with crickets not wanting to crawl all the way up on the sides of the cage.
You must have a special breed of cricket :p
I have to agree that you should move the feeding cup to a spot that you see him hang out at more often.
sure moving him to a smaller cage or tank might help but that will only stress him more.
I also feel that the basking light is way to hot and needs to be replaced with something like a 25w or 40w standard household bulb...not a coiled compact.

oh, and it's totaly normal for him not to eat on the first few days, but I would still move the feeding cup to a better spot that is bellow his favorite hangout.

He's already stressed-out trying to adjust to a new environment--so I wouldn't move him to yet another enclosure.
Sadly, the number one cause of chameleon illnesses and early death is improper care.
As the others have said, "Change the basking light--it's too hot."
If you post pictures, folks here can critique your setup and let you know if anything else isn't up to par.
A cham will die from thirst before hunger.
Make sure he not only is getting misted regularly, but also buy or make a dripper, so there's a long-term supply of water.
It can be as simple as a clean container with a pinhole punched into the bottom of it.
For a step up from that, scroll down to #14 at:
Are you sure the crickets your offering arn't a little too big? A small cham will be hesitant to tackle what it considers a large bug.
Try other insects types in the cup aswell.
The first day I got my cham I tried with the cup method and it didnt work.
I switched to this way and it worked instantly. You can give it a try.

Please stop worying at day 2-they do take a little time to adjust. Even in a huge cage crickets will climb up and towards the basking light, so I would let some lose in there and still use the cup-but put 10 crickets in there-2 probably won't move enough to grab his attention.

Where did you get this chameleon from?
Not eating is completely normal while adjusting to a new home. In the wild they probably wouldn't find bugs everyday, so think of it that way. Even young chameleons can usually go for a few days without eating. They aren't like people...

Ahhh, most Veiled babies, that aren't of the translucent 'morph', are no more than $40-$50 regardless of 'promised' color. Veileds aren't always like panthers in that you can usually tell what they will look like from the sire and the dam's sire, so it may not even end up being orange at all.
Keep trying the cup method (you could use two or three cups with a cricket each). Make sure the cup you use isnt shiny or see-through. two/three/four days not eating after the stress of shipping is not totally uncommon
make sure there is plenty of water.
Oh, it was already a juvenile. I see! Keep the misting up and he'll eat eventually. Just leave him alone.
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