Cup-Feeding Tips


New Member
Anybody have any? I'm using a shallow almost-clear cup secured to a branch using a zip tie. I'm currently feeding dubias, which he will happily eat from my hand, but he doesn't seem interested in the cup. I have seen him eat from it a couple times, but he'll only eat one then walk away. Even this is very rare.
Also, I've tried just throwing crickets in his cage like when he was younger, but he doesn't eat those as much either, if any. We're talking about a chameleon that could 40 1/2 inch crickets in a day, no lie.
I start off cup feeding buy holding the cup in my hand. If you hold it in front of him he will get the hang of it. Once he gets used to it, I will hang it somewhere in his cage. Also, I wouldn't use a fully clear cup. Your Cham will most likely try to shoot the feeders through the cup. Be patient with him. It took my Veiled about a week to really get used to it, and a month or two before he knew the green cup meant food. My Panther arrived on Wednesday and I got him cup feeding from day one. Practice makes perfect. :)
I have only been a Cham owner for a few days so my knowledge isn't all that great on this matter. But I have been using a clear plastic container for a few days. For the first few days he wouldn't eat from it at all and was only eating the one or two crickets that would somehow manage to escape. I was starting to get really worried but I guess today he finally got hungry enough to figure it out and he ate five crickets from the cup. From what I've read it's best to put the container low in cage. Also I'm thinking of glueing something white under the bottom of the container to make the crickets perhaps more visible to my Cham. That's my two cents but maybe an expert here on the forum will have some better tips!
My reason for saying clear might be confusing is that they might try to shoot through the cup and get frustrated or worse, a world where so much plastic is opaque, why do it?
I will agree with the clear cup being dangerous. I use a 'Red Solo Cup' that i fill up so they can party... hehe...

No but i do use a red solo cup for feeding, and i do get that song red solo cup stuck in my head.

usually it goes "Chameleon cup...I fill you up... "

Anyway, i find that using those cups are simple because they can see that there is a certain depth. They are cheap, and easy to use.
I use the frost colored small ones . Dubias tend to stop moving and he is not interested. I usually put some in the cup and free range the rest. He kills the crickets in there as they hopelessly try to excape. He loves to hunt tho...
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