Cup feeding?


Established Member
do you have to cup feed i noticed a lot of people do it ive been just putting it the feeders and letting him hunt them he seems to like that
No, you don't have to cup feed. You just don't want to leave crickets in the cage over night because that may eat on your cham while he sleeps.
Agreed. Not necessary to cup feed. More natural NOT to cup feed.

But cup/bowl feeding is sometimes helfpul / expedient, so it doesnt hurt to get the chameleon used to the idea.

Cup feeding allows you to count how much is eaten in a given amount of time, without having to be there watching.

Cup feeding, once the chameleon has associated the cup with food, helps you when introducing a new prey item easilly.

Cup feeding can contain things like roaches or crickets, which you wouldnt want escaping into your house if uneaten, or left to potentially nibble on a sleeping chameleon.

Bugs kept in a cup waiting for their demise can themselves be kept fed more easily (and thus be kept more nutritious) than free-ranged prey.
You just don't want to leave crickets in the cage over night because that may eat on your cham while he sleeps.

.... or left to potentially nibble on a sleeping chameleon.

Providing you minimize the possibility of your chameleon being nibbled on, our experience is that chameleons do better with free-range (loose) bugs, especially when raising younger ones. You can manage/minimize the risk by doing several things:

1) Larger cage, with more climbing-perching opportunities. This reduces cricket-chameleon interactions while the chameleon is sleeping;

2) Some loose crickets (like about a half dozen) vs. a lot of loose crickets (20-30). Again, reducing interactions;

3) A piece of carrot in the bottom of the cage, replaced every 2-3 days. Or something else, such as a collard leaf. Not a replacement for a good gut-load, but a nice alternative to chameleon nibbling.

Crickets become equipped to start to nibble at about 3/8" size.

Cup feeding is safer, but the best thing is to know how to manage all options, then you decide.
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