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So I want to start having Loki cup feed. His cage is too large now to just throw the crickets in, however he shows no interest in the cup. I have it secured onto a branch using a zip tie. It's a plastic cup that's semi transparent. It's not very tall; he could definitely shoot his tounge in there.
The only way he's getting food now is cause I take sympathy and feed him by hand. How do I get him I use the cup?
just make sure you drll small holes in the bottom so that if you have an auto mister, or dripper, water doenst get in and drown yur bugs.
I just use a plastic kegger cup with drainage holes.
It sits in a reptivine loop.
This is as simple as it gets and works well for me.
I just grab the cup take it to the cricket tank, shake in a few crickets,toss in a pinch of dust, shake a bit and then back to his cage.
I've read that colored cups are a bad idea but he seems to like his red cup.
This is what I use


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All good ideas guys, thanks! I'm gonna head to the store today and see what I can find. I'll probably give them all a try to see which works best for him.
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