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Hi everyone :)
I have a small jackson and I was wondering if full grown chams hurt when they walk on your hand? Haha it may sound kinda silly, but I'm curious since I dont have a full grown cham.
Hi everyone :)
I have a small jackson and I was wondering if full grown chams hurt when they walk on your hand? Haha it may sound kinda silly, but I'm curious since I dont have a full grown cham.
I dont know but be sure to let me know becuase I'm curious as well, and quick question, is you chameleon handlable? Because I dont know whether to go gecko or cham but if you can actually hold a Jackson, so going with that thanks.
Jacksons are small.. They dont hurt at all.. Veileds on the other hand, can leave quite a trail of pinches from their sharp nails
Jacksons are small.. They dont hurt at all.. Veileds on the other hand, can leave quite a trail of pinches from their sharp nails

ouch! Thank goodness I got a Jackson. Yeah I asked cause now his nails tickled more than before :p

But at least my cham doesnt love handling, but when he gets on, hes satisfied. I would say theyre kinda shy... I dont know, thats my oppinion
I know my panther clamped onto my nose when he decided to clime my face today and it was pleasant hadn't ever felt him clamp down that hard before haha!
I have a big roof fan in the room :)

That doesnt bring down temperatures, it just creates wind.. Its suggested to keep them away from fans. Be careful with the temperatures as jacksons are a montane species and can be stressed out with excessive heat. Monitor the high temperatures frequently and constantly.
So are you saying a Jackson shouldn't be handled (and please dont give me the classic,"chams aren't meant to be handled except in emergency routine" i was just wondering if it was safe to occasionally get him out and get to know him and if he'll bite if i try to get him to a bath
So is it safe to hold one for recreation on occasion and for cleaning cage and baths?

You can handle your chams at your leisure. It is Your responsibility, though, to be sure to check for stress and understand that the chameleon is not a regular pet that "loves" to be handled. If he is ok with it, then all is well.. If he hisses and turns dark, put him back and try later on.
JackFrost...some chameleons learn to appreciate being taken out and held. Some do not. It's sort of a "luck of the draw" thing.

I don't routinely take my chameleons out of their cages. One can be taken out fairly easily if needed, the other has a bad temper and goes all "Jurassic Park" on, I generally don't do it (I clean around both of them...they just move away as I work through the cages).

You'll have to judge your chameleon as you interact with him and decide if he welcomes being handled or thinks you're about to eat him.
my veiled has never went dark but the one at the store i bought mine that replaced it was dark as hell i wander if seeing all those ppl so early helps?
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