Curious Sneeze


New Member
The last two days I've noticed Clyde making a noise that sounds like sneezing. He's only done it a handful of times, but within the space of two days, I thought maybe I'd post a quick thread about it.

I've never heard it before and maybe someone can clue me in. Is he just clearing his nose? Can a cham get a cold? Or is this a symptom of something more serious to come?
my cham has done the same thing and he does it evry once in a wile i would also like ot knwo what is upp with himmm
Sneezing can be a sign of respriatory disease. Not sure what Kansas is like, but could be the winter dryness affecting ambient humidity.
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Clyde is a veiled probably around 6 months. His nose is fine, his poop is fine. He's still as crazy (and cranky) as ever. I'm guessing its just the humidity is a little low. I mist him on a regular basis, but he really hates the water. I'll keep an eye on him and watch out for labored breathing.
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