Curved spin


I get nervous about posting forums Bc some people get very mad which is why this one is freaking me out to post I have a Jacksons chameleon (male) I've had him for 1 month and a few days now the other day I noticed he was sleeping before it was time for lights out I woke him up and took him to his tree outside and listed him for a bit last night I noticed when he was sleeping his spin was curved I'm not sure if that's something to worry about He also has been "swaying with the leafs" sometimes he'll shake when he walks sometime he doesn't I've tried posting a video along with these pictures but I'm not sure how it won't let me I've also posted pictures of each side of his legs to make sure it's not possible mbd starting his cage is all screen uva 60 watt UVB 13.0 watt and a cool mist humidifier


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Calcium without d3 every feeding except 2 times a month d3 2 times a month multivitamin and reptive once
I am pretty sure you should only use d3 and multivitamin (separately) once a month. Does your multivitamin have d3 in it? I have heard montanes can be sensitive to those things
He doesn't look like he's doing anything out of the ordinary. I do agree with the above supplementing though.
Not sure if that is bending or acquired scoliosis, but his legs don't appear like MBD. Maybe one of the older members have seen this before, or at least can verify it's him bending his spine, rather than an acquired deformity. Also know that deformities due to old MBD which has been treated, can persist. But here is the care sheet link with a quote for calcium supplements:

Calcium and other vitamins are very important to your chameleon's health. Feeder insects should be lightly dusted with powdered supplement before being fed to your chameleon. As a montane species (native to higher altitudes) Jackson's have decreased supplementation requirements compared to tropical species due to metabolism differences. Use calcium (without D3 or phosphorus) twice a week, a multivitamin once a month, and calcium with D3 once a month.
Not sure if that is bending or acquired scoliosis, but his legs don't appear like MBD. Maybe one of the older members have seen this before, or at least can verify it's him bending his spine, rather than an acquired deformity. Also know that deformities due to old MBD which has been treated, can persist. But here is the care sheet link with a quote for calcium supplements:

Calcium and other vitamins are very important to your chameleon's health. Feeder insects should be lightly dusted with powdered supplement before being fed to your chameleon. As a montane species (native to higher altitudes) Jackson's have decreased supplementation requirements compared to tropical species due to metabolism differences. Use calcium (without D3 or phosphorus) twice a week, a multivitamin once a month, and calcium with D3 once a month.
Not sure if that is bending or acquired scoliosis, but his legs don't appear like MBD. Maybe one of the older members have seen this before, or at least can verify it's him bending his spine, rather than an acquired deformity. Also know that deformities due to old MBD which has been treated, can persist. But here is the care sheet link with a quote for calcium supplements:

Calcium and other vitamins are very important to your chameleon's health. Feeder insects should be lightly dusted with powdered supplement before being fed to your chameleon. As a montane species (native to higher altitudes) Jackson's have decreased supplementation requirements compared to tropical species due to metabolism differences. Use calcium (without D3 or phosphorus) twice a week, a multivitamin once a month, and calcium with D3 once a month.
He'll do that now when he sleeps he did it last night as well but wakes up he straightens it up but I do notice he'll lay down and hug his perch and lean to the side
He'll do that now when he sleeps he did it last night as well but wakes up he straightens it up but I do notice he'll lay down and hug his perch and lean to the side
Fracture deformities of any type typically do not correct/straighten out, so he's probably bending. I would keep watch of other areas and just follow the care sheet supplement schedule. You know what to look for.

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