Custom enclosure questions.


New Member
I am bound and determined to modify a hutch and turn it into an enclosure for my still yet to be bought baby Cham.

I want to make a Styrofoam sloped drain in the bottom and coat it with something to make it waterproof. I have seen people use RhinoLiner and sandless grout covered with varnish or acrylic paint. I would potentially like to cover the entire exposed wood areas with this same substance.

My question is, after allowing the proper ventilation, are these truck bed liners safe to use. I mean in the end I suppose I am covering with acrylic clear or varnish, whatever the case may be. That may trump it, but in case, i want to be safe. I know lots of people use sandless grout but I think that would be more difficult.

I simply cant have a normal screen box. I am going to remove the back of the hutch and make it almost completely screened, but I want the bottom to be sloped to allow proper drainage. Nothing majorly sloped because i will have live plants in there that i will have to plant slightly crooked in their pots lol

Whats the best way to waterproof the wood of the enclosure?

so torn, I know a premade would be so much simpler and maybe thats better for me to start off with so i dont get too crazy from jump.

wait, nah, I'm crazy from jump, from jump, nevermind rofl. So anyway.. I have the attention span of a gnat on espresso.
You can use marine epoxy. It is non toxic because they use it on boats. I made a 500 gal fish tank out of plywood. So basically a huge ply wood box with a acrylic glass front. I painted all wood surfaces with marine epoxy and it worked great. It is a 2 part mix and they have a variety of colors. May be bit of a over kill though and it isn't cheap. It will get the job done
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