I never handle my little panther, Floyd because I don't like to piss him off. He's a grumpypants that one. Well he has parasites so I have to give him oral meds from the vet. Today I picked him up and he went all angry mode and turned dark green and black. I gave him the meds and he starting climbing up my hand. As he was climbing he turned a beautiful blue color and looked to be quite content. I was shocked at how calm he was and I have never seen such vivid colour from him before. He kept trying to climb up my chest and onto my face, lol. I have really long hair and I had a hell of a time getting him to let go of his super strong grip on it. I couldn't help but snatch a couple pictures of my bipolar chameleon. So cute with his little face looking up at me like, momma let me climb on your face. Made my day