Cutting the hornworms horn??


New Member
I just got 3 tubs of hornworms from coastal silkworms so I am ready to try hornworms for my cham for the first time today and I did some searching on the forum about hornworms before I made my purchase and I came across a thread that said its a good idea to remove their horn's before feeding. Is this true, and if so why? The horns don't actually seem like they could do much of anything really, they are soft to the touch.
I don't, but I didn't know you were suppose to. I can tell you one thing....those horn worms grow fast and get BIG. How old it your cham?
I feed hornworms to my guys all the time. The horn is harmless and does not need to be pulled off. A crickets leg is more dangerous than that horn. :D
I figured as much. It doesn't seem like it could do anything, short of pick McLovins' teeth :) He's 7 months old Jann.
My chams love them..and yes, like said above they Grow very FAST and very BIGG!! buy them small ;)and the horn does make a great cham toothpick:).... within a week or 2 youll have 3 tubs of 4 inch giants!. ...
Thankfully I did buy them small. Like I said, I did a little research and thanks to this GREAT forum I managed to not be tempted and buy the large guys;)
I would suggest keeping them in the coolest part of the house. I keep mine where the well comes up in so it is always cool in the laundry room. They still grow pretty fast but not as fast as they do in any of the cham rooms.

Oh, you might want to wear goggles when feeding hornworms:rolleyes:
When i bought mine from Mulbery Farms they told me that you can put them in the fridge if they are growing too fast. 2 days in and 1 day out. I have done that many times to count and it works great and really does delay the growing. The only thing is when you take them out it does take them a little while to start wiggling around alot. But besides that it worked great!!! Just put them on the top shelves and don't forget them in there.

No need to cut off their horns... the one thing I do to the larger worms, is cliping off their pinchers... they have fairly strong jaws. I bought a nail clipper just for the hornworms. And I usually don't feed the largest size of the worms just because their grip on vines are so strong! I've experienced a couple of my Panthers having trouble pulling them in. Them having to walk a little towards the worm before they get the sucker in their mouth.
Oh, you might want to wear goggles when feeding hornworms:rolleyes:

bwhaha yeah they sure are juicy!! the first time i fed Aida one i was standing right next to the cage and :eek: i got horn juice on my face. i think she liked them because of how juicy they are!
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