Dad is too ignorant?

You're going to want a regular calcium to use most of the time (without D3.) The D3 should be used a few times a month up to about once a week or so.
First, Hi! I love your avatar.

Not to be a downer, but your Dad has a point. I strongly suspect that husbandry issues are behind your chameleon's problems. That would be "parenting"....

Sadly, he didn't help you find the information you needed. So, he does have to share that burden of blame.

I'm hoping you're spending time reading things here and realizing that taking your chameleon out for "Mom" time is not necessarily good for him (it might be good for you) and, Kinyonga and Sandra have given you excellent resources to help you fix the situation.

At this point, I think you need to look past "Dad" and try to get your pet's situation straightened out.

This board is a fabulous resource for it and you've already engaged some of the best experts in your story, so take advantage of that.
I agree that your "parenting" is most likely the cause, but you can correct it (tho a vet trip may still be in order...)

You want:

CALCIUM + D3 - 2x a month
MULTIVITAMIN - 2x a month

most ppl do CAL ONLY monday-saturday, and then alternate on sundays between Calc+D3 and multivit

what type of UVB bulb do you? you know they need to be replaced every 6 months

you need to find out what temperature it is under his basking bulb. not knowing temp is a basic sign of improper husbandry

I would also add live plants (a simple ficus from home depot for $15 is great) but in general it just needs way more foliage/etc it should be more of a dense jungle

you can get rid of the water bowl, they don't drink standing water
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