Dark brown spots


New Member
Our 5 month old veiled chameleon, Nigel has had the same dark brown spots on him for about a month now we feed him about 7 to 10 medium crickets a day all of which are dusted with calcium and vitamins we mist them one to two times a day and he has his UVA lamp on exactly 12 hours every day. Should we be concerned about these spots?


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Dust less crickets! Every day is unnecessary, now I am NOT a Veiled cham expert by any means but most chams only need their food dusted like once a week or even less so everyday has got to be way too much and you can cause some potentially fatal health issues by over supplementing their diet. Too much of anything can be bad so don;t over do it. Lets start with taking out the calcium dusting for 5 days strait. Instead you need to gutload your crickets instead of dusting so much. - However, the spots alone are not necessarily a bad sign always, just so you know.
You should dust with calcium without d3 everyday and vitamins/calcium with d3 once every two weeks. This is the general schedule there is more info on this forum and or a link to a care sheet page. May not hurt to go a few days with no dusting at this point to let what you've given him work its way through then start fresh
Dust less crickets! Every day is unnecessary, now I am NOT a Veiled cham expert by any means but most chams only need their food dusted like once a week or even less so everyday has got to be way too much and you can cause some potentially fatal health issues by over supplementing their diet. Too much of anything can be bad so don;t over do it. Lets start with taking out the calcium dusting for 5 days strait. Instead you need to gutload your crickets instead of dusting so much. - However, the spots alone are not necessarily a bad sign always, just so you know.
I can agree on this for montane species but for other chameleons, specially when they are growing, in my opinion you do want to dus 6x a week without D3 (lightly) and minerals (with D3) every other week...

Dusting to little leads to MBD which we see to much of around here.

Of course I'm no expert either...
Yes I agree, ive given my girl calcium every day (she is a vieled), grant it she is a female so she needs it more. But shes doing great, I gave her calcium with d3 on the first sunday, vitamins the 2nd sunday, then d3 the 3rd sunday then back to viatmanins the 4th sunday....rinse and repeat.
Dust less crickets! Every day is unnecessary, now I am NOT a Veiled cham expert by any means but most chams only need their food dusted like once a week or even less so everyday has got to be way too much and you can cause some potentially fatal health issues by over supplementing their diet. Too much of anything can be bad so don;t over do it. Lets start with taking out the calcium dusting for 5 days strait. Instead you need to gutload your crickets instead of dusting so much. - However, the spots alone are not necessarily a bad sign always, just so you know.

Thank you I will definitely try that
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