Dark chameleon and white spots on back

Thank you! I will definitely check them out! How do you transport your chameleons when taking them to the vet?
I use a cat bag. I added branches for climbing. I buckle him in the seat belt for a safe ride. I also use a neighborhood vet (less costly) for wellness checks and annual fecal exams. He actually referred me to Summer Tree for blood work and xrays. I use Summer Tree when things are out of the neighborhood vets experience as the Vet recommends.
Some people transport in a cardboard box, to decrease stress. I've transported my Veild and Panther in this cat bag with no issues and it makes it easier to manage my Cham when I'm traveling alone.
Thank you so much! I do use a 6% uvb bulb i had to recheck that 😭 but i will definitely find something to elevate the heat bulb. Since I now need to feed her 3 days a week does mon weds fri work? I checked out the vet list and thankfully there are some near me so I'll book an appointment to ger her fecal done asap. I have one last question, after egg laying is it usual for my chameleon to be basking more often? She's still eating normally, but moving less often and has been mostly basking and sleeping in the basking area.
Yes! I feed all of mine on Mon, Wed & Thur and then on either Sat or Sun I’ll give a treat or two. Today everyone got 2 small/med silkworms.
They work so very hard to lay their eggs…digging a hole that’s just right, pushing the eggs out and then covering everything up so you can’t even tell anything is there. I imagine it’s exhausting work and it does take a great deal of energy and resources, like calcium, out of them. While she’s not just resting as she basks, but is also getting some D3 from her uvb which she needs to be able to use the calcium you give her. If she is sleeping while the lights are on, that is not good at all and signals a problem. You’ll need a vet appointment asap if that is what she is doing.
Like @ChamelaChameleon I have two vets for my chams. There is the vet literally around the corner for basic things like fecals and wellness checks. For problems, I drive about 45 mins for a vet who is very experienced with chameleons. The local vet, I use what I think is a carrier for birds. It had a perch that I replaced with a more solid branch and my chameleons have a view. For the long drives, I put them in a box with some secure branches to hold and they usually sleep thru the drive.
For transport, I just have a stick in a cardboard box that I've poked through and hot glued so that it's stable. Then I get Boogie into the box (sometimes with an effort lol) and then close the top. The darkness makes him go to sleep so he hangs onto the branch tight, and the trip isn't stressful for him.
I use a cat bag. I added branches for climbing. I buckle him in the seat belt for a safe ride. I also use a neighborhood vet (less costly) for wellness checks and annual fecal exams. He actually referred me to Summer Tree for blood work and xrays. I use Summer Tree when things are out of the neighborhood vets experience as the Vet recommends.View attachment 357366View attachment 357367
Thank you so much, if you don't mind me asking, what local vet do you go to? I'm near the DFW area as well, but the places i've searched so far have little experience with chameleons.
Yes! I feed all of mine on Mon, Wed & Thur and then on either Sat or Sun I’ll give a treat or two. Today everyone got 2 small/med silkworms.
They work so very hard to lay their eggs…digging a hole that’s just right, pushing the eggs out and then covering everything up so you can’t even tell anything is there. I imagine it’s exhausting work and it does take a great deal of energy and resources, like calcium, out of them. While she’s not just resting as she basks, but is also getting some D3 from her uvb which she needs to be able to use the calcium you give her. If she is sleeping while the lights are on, that is not good at all and signals a problem. You’ll need a vet appointment asap if that is what she is doing.
Like @ChamelaChameleon I have two vets for my chams. There is the vet literally around the corner for basic things like fecals and wellness checks. For problems, I drive about 45 mins for a vet who is very experienced with chameleons. The local vet, I use what I think is a carrier for birds. It had a perch that I replaced with a more solid branch and my chameleons have a view. For the long drives, I put them in a box with some secure branches to hold and they usually sleep thru the drive.
Thank you for all the help, that's relieving to hear! Luckily she isn't sleeping while the lights are on, though I believe she is getting ready to shed. I'll make an appointment for her as soon as she's through shedding for her fecal and annual. :)
For transport, I just have a stick in a cardboard box that I've poked through and hot glued so that it's stable. Then I get Boogie into the box (sometimes with an effort lol) and then close the top. The darkness makes him go to sleep so he hangs onto the branch tight, and the trip isn't stressful for him.
Thank you I will be trying that out!
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