Dart Frog Vivarium

So I installed the pump and made a few adjustments. I tried it the way I explained before and no water came out of the waterfall due to the law of the path of least resistance. So I changed the placement of the Ts and where the pump connects to the water line. I also squeezed the ends of the 2 drippers and now its working as its supposed to. I let it run for about 2 hours and it went without a hitch.
Tomorrow is thanksgiving so I will not work on it, but on friday I will apply the first coat of substrate mix to the foam. I also visited home depot and saw some very nice bromeliads and some pretty orchids that I want to put in there.

Any suggestions of other plants that are good for Leucomelas and that are fairly small? (the vivarium is not that big)
Wow this is going to look amazing when it gets done! Your going to have to show us pictures when it's all finished :) she's going to love it!
Thanks Dani :)

I am impressed. Does she know about what you are doing or is this a surprise?

She is actually helping me. I wanted to make it the way she wants as far as plants and those other things. The idea of making it was a surprise. I had already started making the tank and the egg crat false bottom when i told her about it.
I have put on the first coat of cover for the foam..looks pretty cool:D

Hey that is going to be great! I built a vivarium for my darts also. It was so much fun! These are old pics from when it was first set-up. Seven years later, it looks quite a bit different, but it's been so much fun! I also used a false bottom and have a waterfall and shallow pond.







My husband just built himself a dart frog viv and we're heading to the east coast next week to pick up 3 leucs for it. I don't know if you've had frogs before (we haven't), but a couple of things to mention that I've learned from him. When you get your plants wash them in soapy water, and then with a little bleach to make sure all the little nasties are killed off. There's a place in Sarasota that specializes in bromiliads for dart frogs - no pesticides, etc. I think its called Terra Flora, or something like that.

Also, make sure you quarentine your new little ones because if they are carrying any type of bacteria, or parasite and you put them directly into that tank, the entire tank will become infected and you'll have to rip out all your hard work on the great foam, because there's no effective way to kill them - they'll just dig deeper into the great foam. My hubby also mentioned that before the frogs go in, you can bomb it with carbon dioxide, by using dry ice. That will effectively kill anything you don't want living, like the parasites, bacteria, etc. but the plants can survive it.

I'm sorry if this isn't specific enough - I just read this and he's at work, but I was trying to remember all the things that he's been talking about lately. Good luck!
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