

Avid Member
So, it's been ages since I updated on Darwin. He is a year and a half old and he has finally started to show his adult size.


This is him in the morning, His colors are more of the pastels when it's cooler in the morning.

How's he look to you guys? We had the hardest time when he was younger has some of the older members can re-call. So anyone that remembers from when he was little to now, what do you think?

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A couple more.

I forgot these ones in the first post.

He was in his free range plant. (hanging pothos that we have had for ages and is pretty big. LOL
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Thank You Jann! He sure isn't Luie! He isn't friendly at all either! :c He is okay for a short period of time, but tries to lunge at me everytime I try to coax him out to go into the pothos. LOL
Wow he's proper gorgeous, delilah is missing out! Bring him to the u.k my Mia wouldn't say no to a handsome boy then again she spotted my male and weren't happy. :p:rolleyes: Girls eh? :rolleyes: lol
Thanks so much Ashleigh. :b

He seemed to take forever for him to grow to his actual adult size, I believe that he might have a bit more growing left to do.
Wow, he looks so much like one of my boys with the brown sides and pastel colors!


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So, yesterday was the beginning to my week off at work, and I started to clean cages.

I usually switch them around to different cages that aren't cleaned yet or into a different plant, but Delilah wanted out first so she got the plant, Darwin got her cage and Cortez moved to a smaller plant.

While he was in Delilah's cage he started showing these unique colorings that I don't believe I have ever seen on him.

Enjoy. c:

Also, I should add the camera drains a lot of the colors. ><
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