New Member
Hi friends, nice to meet you.
As we all know, caring for chameleons isn't easy as raising guppies.
They need the proper setup, food, and condition to maintain a healthy life.
Browsing though this forum, I have seem much information regarding illnesses and tackling them when they happen, and most of it was on a case and point basis. So I started asking myself, can't we do something to prevent this? What husbandry works? What method is likely to promote the well-being and longevity of your little dinosaurs.
Yes, it is true that the information is out there on this vast internet, but it is scattered all over the place. It is, I gotta say, somewhat hard to gather what is needed.
Therefore, as part of the community which is mainly concerned on one agenda:keeping your pet healthy, I thought wouldn't it be great to know, on a single forum thread, what methods people are using that actually is working?? Don't you wanna know how the other guy/girl gets its chameleon so large, handsome, and healthy?
Well if not large and handsome, at least have your chameleon be healthier than you?
I wish so, and im sure many of you reading this also feels the same way. Hey you may be that intelligent one that has everything or most everything set and well we reaaaallly need your help. So, I will like to humbly ask for all successful fellow chameleon keepers to enlighten us in detail on how they keep their chameleons. I have created a kickoff template below so we can easily distinguish and categorize how you go about caring for and the success rate of it. If this works and a lot of members participate and start getting data, I believe we will be able to statistically see what works and where the "sweet spot" is in our husbandry, also we will be able to start debating on what works and what doesn't. Therefore, evolving ourselves as cham owners. Finally, and most importantly, it will help this community tremendously and results in many chameleons having a better quality of life.
I have constrained this thread to the husbandry of the Veiled Chameleon to start, because they are one of the popular chameleon species. If this idea works, and it is ok with the admins and members of this community we should go about making a collection of husbandry tactics on other species as well. If so, I believe organization of the thread title, and thread template has a critical value on the flow passing information along to others and I think we should debate on how this should be accomplished. For now, I used "[DATA.BASE][Species name]" in the title and its a kickoff template/idea so if you have other ideas, comments, or critiques regarding this please don't hesitate to say. I hope this idea works and becomes one valuable sticky source of this forum.
Please fill out the bottom with as much detail as you can.
Again Thank you for your valuable knowledge!!!!
Current Health Status:
Past Illness/Health Problems and cause (if known):
General Overall Health:
(For mature female)
Clutches per year:
Clutch size:
Comments[ ]
Materials Used:
Comments[ ]
Plants used and number:
Comments[ ]
Please include part number or detail for your lights.
Lights used:
Duration the lights are on:
Amount of sun exposure:
detailed information please[]
Daytime Basking Spot temperature(high):
Daytime Ambient temperature:
Nighttime Ambient temperature:
detailed information please[]
Daytime Humidity:
Nighttime Humidity:
How you control Humidity:
detailed information please[]
Method of Hydrating:
How many time per day:
Duration of watering:
Where the excess water goes:
detailed information please[]
What you offer your Chameleon:
When you offer:
How many do you offer:
What you gutload your food with:
Supplements Used(name and/or item number) and When it is used:
Please write in detail on your food. Your ration schedule, when and the amount you feed, supplement amount used, how you offer your vegetation etc.[]
Overall satisfaction of your husbandry:
What you think you can do better on your husbandry:
Other things that came to your mind:
Anything else:
As we all know, caring for chameleons isn't easy as raising guppies.
They need the proper setup, food, and condition to maintain a healthy life.
Browsing though this forum, I have seem much information regarding illnesses and tackling them when they happen, and most of it was on a case and point basis. So I started asking myself, can't we do something to prevent this? What husbandry works? What method is likely to promote the well-being and longevity of your little dinosaurs.
Yes, it is true that the information is out there on this vast internet, but it is scattered all over the place. It is, I gotta say, somewhat hard to gather what is needed.
Therefore, as part of the community which is mainly concerned on one agenda:keeping your pet healthy, I thought wouldn't it be great to know, on a single forum thread, what methods people are using that actually is working?? Don't you wanna know how the other guy/girl gets its chameleon so large, handsome, and healthy?
I have constrained this thread to the husbandry of the Veiled Chameleon to start, because they are one of the popular chameleon species. If this idea works, and it is ok with the admins and members of this community we should go about making a collection of husbandry tactics on other species as well. If so, I believe organization of the thread title, and thread template has a critical value on the flow passing information along to others and I think we should debate on how this should be accomplished. For now, I used "[DATA.BASE][Species name]" in the title and its a kickoff template/idea so if you have other ideas, comments, or critiques regarding this please don't hesitate to say. I hope this idea works and becomes one valuable sticky source of this forum.
Please fill out the bottom with as much detail as you can.
Again Thank you for your valuable knowledge!!!!
Current Health Status:
Past Illness/Health Problems and cause (if known):
General Overall Health:
(For mature female)
Clutches per year:
Clutch size:
Comments[ ]
Materials Used:
Comments[ ]
Plants used and number:
Comments[ ]
Please include part number or detail for your lights.
Lights used:
Duration the lights are on:
Amount of sun exposure:
detailed information please[]
Daytime Basking Spot temperature(high):
Daytime Ambient temperature:
Nighttime Ambient temperature:
detailed information please[]
Daytime Humidity:
Nighttime Humidity:
How you control Humidity:
detailed information please[]
Method of Hydrating:
How many time per day:
Duration of watering:
Where the excess water goes:
detailed information please[]
What you offer your Chameleon:
When you offer:
How many do you offer:
What you gutload your food with:
Supplements Used(name and/or item number) and When it is used:
Please write in detail on your food. Your ration schedule, when and the amount you feed, supplement amount used, how you offer your vegetation etc.[]
Overall satisfaction of your husbandry:
What you think you can do better on your husbandry:
Other things that came to your mind:
Anything else:
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