Avid Member
With the cold weather, I’ve switched from a 60 W bulb to 75 W bulb to use for basking. I’ve been kind of struggling with lower humidity at the top of the cage in exchange for heat, and started to get a little worried about my chameleon getting enough water. I run a dripper in the form of ice cubes in a ceramic pot over the cage daily, and my chameleon always expresses interest in the droplets of water dripping down onto his pothos. He’ll perch right by where the water drips down, but I rarely (if ever) see him licking water off the leaves. I figured I should add a mid-day mist to help bring up humidity and offer more opportunities to drink. I’m trying to avoid the wet surfaces/hot stagnant air combo so I currently have the basking bulb set to go off at 12:30 PM (it comes on at 7:30 AM, so by this point he’s had several hours to bask). An hour later after everything has cooled off, I mist for 3 minutes. Just to be sure that all the surfaces have had the chance to dry, the basking light doesn’t come back on until 2:30 PM. It turns off for the day at 5:30 PM. Wondering I’m leaving the basking light off for too long? I don’t want to take any chances with RI’s. How do you guys time your day time misting around your light schedule?