Deciding a size for new chameleon


New Member
Curious on what the right size for a cage for a 6 month or so old Jackson chameleon. ive had him in a glass set up for now with a screen top for ventilation, because i didn't have enough money for the cages at petsmart.
Also if anyone has any ideas on how to build a good cage for him that isn't too costly or maybe where to buy some cheaper ones?
recommended brands? :D
Curious on what the right size for a cage for a 6 month or so old Jackson chameleon. ive had him in a glass set up for now with a screen top for ventilation, because i didn't have enough money for the cages at petsmart.
Also if anyone has any ideas on how to build a good cage for him that isn't too costly or maybe where to buy some cheaper ones?
recommended brands? :D

I have a 24x24x48 in. All screen aluminum frame cage from LLLreptile (one of the site sponsors) that my 5 month old veiled LOVES! also had the same size for 10 bucks cheaper at 90. My LLLreptile cage was 106$ shipped and I think its outstanding. I have no reference of thee brand for I don't own one! :) good luck. Search homemade cage ull find great plans. Hoj a moderator here made a gorgeous cages for very decent price.. I just can't find the link
that big for a jackson ? seems a little much isnt it ? sorry im not expert and also have no jackson experience, but i thought jacksons didnt need as much space, im probably totally wrong but was a thought
I have a few Jacksons, i'm not sure myself but I do think you're right about them not needing as much space. But to be safe My Jacksons live in 30x18x30 all screen terrariums. I prefer for them to have more space to get around rather then go higher. But that's just my taste.
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