Depressed !!!


New Member
kinda sucks, in my area there are no communities, groups, businesses or anything to do with chameleons...


not only that but jobs suck in this area too

double ugggghhhhhh...

that is all...
kinda sucks, in my area there are no communities, groups, businesses or anything to do with chameleons...


not only that but jobs suck in this area too

double ugggghhhhhh...

that is all...

Are you clinically depressed or are you having a crap day?
I know how you feel! its the same with me. there are forum members in MT, NE and MN but not in SD, the jobs here are sucky too, no one is hiring at all.
You need to hit the suburbs close to a hip city! Peacefull and quiet with everything a big city has to offer just a few mins away.
Imagine this-

When I was a kid until I was nearly through with high school, for all intents and purposes, where I lived nobody even kept reptiles. Well, maybe a kid would pick up a turtle or something for a few days. But nobody I knew of or even heard of had bred a lizard.

All the books on lizards I could obtain (very few anyway) said that lizards were almost impossible to breed in captivity, and chameleons were impossible to even keep alive more than a few weeks.

I was the only kid I knew who kept lizards and my iguana was a real exotic and the only one I ever saw except for the occasion that I bought him and one I saw at a zoo once (got mine on vacation one year when we stayed the night in St. Louis).

There was no internet yet. I had no idea people like Bert Langerwerf were already breeding lizards in captivity. Until i was well into high school and a friend got his anole through boys life after seeing mine (again, another case of the only anoles I ever saw before that were mine- one of my dad's friend's brought mine back from Florida for me), nobody else I even knew kept lizards.

Finally around my junior or senior year, the pet shop the next town over got a few lizards now and again- baby iguanas, colotes, brown basilisk, collard lizard, anoles- I think that was about it. Until I was out of high school.

I'm really envious of kids nowadays- you can get all kinds of nice species, and captive bred for you too. And chameleons! I dreamed of even seeing one as a kid.

Plus you have the internet where you can learn almost anything you want or need to know to keep them, and can select from a huge variety to purchase online if you are patient enough. And there are discussion forums like this one where you can share your interest.

I would have been in heaven if I had all this available to me as a kid.

Most of my childhood I had 2 species to choose from (fence lizards, 5 lined skinks) and I had to go catch them myself. And because I did everyone thought I was really wierd keeping lizards, and I knew of nobody else with lizards.

Naah- I don't feel sorry for any of you.

Well, except for the jobs situations. Sorry about that.

As an aside- one thing I think about from time to time- that pet shop in st louis had sungazers when I was a kid and got that first iguana. For not much either- maybe $30 or something. I remember seeing parsons chameleons for $75 at a local pet shop in the 90s. I wish I had a time machine!
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Ive been around long enough to remember when nosy be's were going for roughly the same or more $$ than a parsons. And I remember a guy I bought my first pair of ambanjas from in the 90's saying he was po'd because he had gotten a few parsons in with his import of nosys and banjas. Back then he said he'd have a harder time selling the parsons than he would the panthers. Man, how times have changed...
Lmao I'm not clinically depressed, just irked at the fact that the area I'm at in the sf bay area has nothng cool...

Jobs here are a shot in the dark, it also doesn't help that I don't have a college degree...

Just me ranting! ;)
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